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BB USA > Only 3300 Users in the USA

Only 3300 Users in the USA

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From: lawman

This Post:
154943.7 in reply to 154943.6
Date: 8/23/2010 11:27:30 PM
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Like I've seen on a lot of other online games...

Many Europeans like the strategy games...

Quite possibly also we have better game development here, which draws attention away from these formats. Doubt there are as many devoted game systems in the world as we have in the USA.

The Americans i see mostly have less time devoted. I think there is much more demand to do other things here. There is always all these expectations. Europeans seem to enjoy somewhat more time off.

This Post:
154943.9 in reply to 154943.8
Date: 8/27/2010 5:12:04 PM
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Yeah i agree it's going down. Like for me this is my second full season and I will hopefully promote but I was a pretty slow learner. If you don't check the forums or ask anyone for help people probably could be in V for 3 to 4 seasons then get bored. Luckily I knew some people so it helped me want to stay. I had convinced two of my friends to sign up and 1 logged on once and the other qui after a week. But that's what I think...

This Post:
154943.10 in reply to 154943.9
Date: 8/28/2010 3:48:10 PM
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Yeah...all my friends talk about shooting people and robbing trains in Red Dead Redemption, but a game like this just isn't of interest to them. Maybe the BB's can implement a Grand Theft BuzzerBeater game engine to spice things up a little. :-)

This Post:
154943.11 in reply to 154943.10
Date: 8/29/2010 6:57:05 AM
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this is probably the best suggestion i have ever heard since i started playing BB. I hope you posted this on the suggestions board and didnt mean this in anyway sarcasticly :P

This Post:
154943.12 in reply to 154943.11
Date: 8/29/2010 6:14:47 PM
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ppl have been not active so their teams have been deactivated that's why we have like 3300 users.

This Post:
154943.13 in reply to 154943.12
Date: 8/29/2010 7:34:09 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
i was more refering to the grand theft joke :)

This Post:
154943.14 in reply to 154943.6
Date: 9/1/2010 8:25:47 PM
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In my league there are only 2 real managers. The rest are bots.

This Post:
154943.16 in reply to 154943.15
Date: 9/13/2010 11:41:32 AM
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I play in many online leagues including Front Office Football and Out of the Park Baseball. These folks all play many online games like Hattrick and the college basketball sim at Simulatedsports. Many of us tried out BB back in season 3 and dropped out by season 5. I came back for season 11 and have to say none of the concerns folks had back in the early days have been fixed or even addressed. When I tell people what BB is like now, no one else is willing to try this again.

Here are the reasons:

1) New players from the US are not treated equally to new players from small countries. We have to start in DV, they get a cakewalk to DI in a season or two. There other games out there where new teams are put in the same division, regardless of nationality. These games are attracting new users while BB is not.

2) The lack of statistics. BB has, at best, rudimentary statistics available. The lack of team defensive stats and player +/- stats is seen as a sign that the developers don't really know how to put a sim together.

3) The economy. Day trading is abhorred by players who want realism. However, the economy of BB almost forces you to trade to support your team. FOF/OOTP type of people want to build their team with draft picks by training and developing the right kind of players. You can't do this in BB because you don't see enough draft info to target the types of players you want to have. And I don't mean simply claiming the 'best' player, rather distinct player types.

4) The player development model that forces you to play out of position in order to get training in, for example, OD, ID or passing, is seen as a bad joke and a horrendous design decision.

5) The 'World of BB' is a reflection of soccer, not basketball.

6) Too much of BB smacks of Hattrick, as if the game had been lifted whole from that sim, had its soccer engine snipped out and a basketball game engine grafted on. I remember from my early days that this is close to literal truth, but no one speaks of this any more in the forum.

I'm certain most of you will take offense at what I've written, but these are very real reasons why hard core gamers from the US are not willing to play Buzzer Beater.
