OK here's my explanation.
Through some observation, i've seen injured players just drop ONE level of GS in those weeks where they played 0 minutes (if someone have seen a player drop more than one level when injured, let me know).
I think it's some sort of protection for the team: you've already been damaged by the injury, so they made this adjustment to make the recovery of the player a little easier, because GS plays a big role on the player performance.
So i thought about my injured player who had a respectable GS:
("Sublevels of GS he already had" + "GS training") - ("Loss of GS due to 0 minutes" - "GS injury protection") = he should stay at respectable.
Instead he have lost a level GS, going to average. I think i've found an explanation (if all i've said it's true):
while GS update comes at 10.50 AM, the injury update comes at 01.00 AM... so by the time the GS changed he didn't have anymore that "Gs injury protection", making him lose more than just one level of GS and his sublevels weren't high enough to cover the loss.
Obviously this is just a theory based on some observations..... like i said, the complain was about the other player.... BTW, i did that complain 'cause in this days the servers have gone quite crazy... otherwise i've would have posted this in the italian help forum.
Last edited by RainMan13 at 9/25/2010 3:49:28 AM