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From: G_C

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167817.7 in reply to 167817.6
Date: 1/1/2011 11:32:54 AM
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How it works: tutors will work like staff, a "tutor manager" (TM) will give each tutor his pupil(s).
The tutor will teach them how to play the game, not allowing them to make the big mistakes we all made when we started and bringing them into the game.
Tutors won't be some kind of manager, of course, just teachers.
A tutor should be playing the game from at least 5 seasons and shall have up to 3 pupils.
After one season with one pupil the tutor will have to leave him.

I know is not indispensable, but I think this could help a lot.

From: Monkeybiz

To: G_C
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167817.8 in reply to 167817.7
Date: 1/1/2011 7:19:00 PM
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The tutor will teach them how to play the game, not allowing them to make the big mistakes we all made when we started and bringing them into the game.

But making mistakes is part of life. If we don't make mistakes we will never learn and will never know how to improve.

Same goes for BB. If the newbie wants help he can by all means ask for help and there are plenty of help available. Like I said earlier, there are already mentor programs offered by the larger countries which does exactly what you are describing.

From: LA-Bernspin

To: G_C
This Post:
167817.9 in reply to 167817.8
Date: 1/7/2011 4:55:20 PM
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Some ideas here:

Tutors could be a nice improvement for the game. Good tutorship could help the game drop the % of players that leave the game few weeks after receiving the team.
However, being a good tutor could be somewhat time-consuming.
Maybe BB should reward those players that perform well being a tutor and help the game grow.
BB could implement an official list of tutors. Anyone could join. Newbies (players with less than 1 month of play) would be able to choose a tutor from the list. Once the newbie choose a tutor, they become linked for 1 season. After this 1 season, the pupil gives evaluates his tutor 1-5. If the tutor gets 4-5, the tutor receives 1 point.
Points should be used by tutors to buy access to features only available to supporters.
For example:
1 point: tutor can assign numbers for his players for 1 season
2 points: tutor can post 1 press release
5 points: tutor grants extended training infos for 1 season
20 points: tutor can join a PL of his choice
and so on
Current supporters could use points to extend their supporter status. Let's say that for each 20 points a supporter could extend for more 1 month.
Just ideas.

This Post:
167817.10 in reply to 167817.9
Date: 1/7/2011 11:33:55 PM
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I like your suggestions.

Definitely needs to be something rated, so that you don't end up with just anyone throwing their name in as a tutor.
I'm new, and could definitely benefit from something like this! - The half-crazed ramblings of a Lakers fanatic in Japan
This Post:
167817.11 in reply to 167817.9
Date: 1/8/2011 6:38:46 AM
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2 points: tutor can post 1 press release

2 seasons of hard work for 1 press release - thats pretty weak...

This Post:
167817.12 in reply to 167817.11
Date: 1/8/2011 7:36:07 AM
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hey, you know, I was just wondering... the important thing is the tutor-reward-points idea.

From: G_C

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167817.13 in reply to 167817.12
Date: 1/8/2011 8:41:12 AM
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Really nice idea, I'd really like to see it happening.
But there is a "but".
I doubt the tutoring system will be introduced officially... I mean, those guys in the USA have other things to do, I don't know if they can find the time to implement such a complicate thing.

This Post:
167817.14 in reply to 167817.11
Date: 1/8/2011 12:16:05 PM
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Suppose that you can tutor more than one team each season?

This Post:
167817.15 in reply to 167817.14
Date: 1/8/2011 12:22:38 PM
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Sure, IMO you could tutor how many teams you want.
However, a newbie should know how many teams a tutor is currently responsible for before making a choice.
Tutors average evaluation should also be available for newbies.

This Post:
167817.16 in reply to 167817.15
Date: 1/8/2011 5:03:46 PM
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In Australia we also have an official system of tutoring. Well organised and gets results with even teams from the ABBL involved. We also make sure the tutors are competent. It is much better to let nations do this on their own. No work for the BBs and still very effective. If there was to be an waard system a much better and simpler idea would be just have a thread at the end of the season called something like "the best tutor in the world". People could nominate their mentors/tutors and maybe the BBs could choose one lucky tutor to win a prize.

From: shawnvb
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167817.17 in reply to 167817.16
Date: 1/10/2011 12:19:48 AM
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I think on the home page in your first week there should be links (depending on the country) to each of the pinned threads in your country forum with the title and everything to each. Maybe even links to the help forum ones? Like for USA, there is the mentor thread, offseason schedule, and other info that would be helpful to see right away