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handling for SG

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From: Jay_m

To: Mvp
This Post:
195558.7 in reply to 195558.6
Date: 9/3/2011 9:10:07 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks. What about ID? It seems to me that IS of 5 or 6 is good but no need to train ID at all.

From: Kevol

This Post:
195558.8 in reply to 195558.7
Date: 9/3/2011 11:10:18 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
you´re right, IS and ID of 5 or 6 is enough for good SG

This Post:
195558.9 in reply to 195558.8
Date: 9/4/2011 10:05:20 AM
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you´re right, IS and ID of 5 or 6 is enough for good SG

If there is room because of realy high potential, I would considder getting ID up.
If you face a look inside team, which has guards with decent IS/DRIV skills, you'll take a lot of points from those guards if your guard is only ID 5 or 6...
Unless you defend zone... but to always defend zone, is to always know WICH zone to defend.

just my opinion...

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This Post:
195558.11 in reply to 195558.1
Date: 9/5/2011 7:01:58 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
How important are handling and passing for a SG? I was thinking respectable handling and proficient passing. He's a HoF so the salary is not going to be a problem.

I´m pretty sure neither handling nor passing nor driving affects the salary of a SG.