Thanks ... Its really good to know that you all liked it
Can you provide a translation for this other video where stick man you dominates stick man JohnnyB? And why is that one dude sitting in a shopping cart? :-)
Okey Here it is ...
Ωπ . ήρθαμε Ελλάδα = Oh , you came to Greece (Pikaso leaves in London that's why)
Ναι μωρέ . Να εδώ αράζω = Yea bud . I am here relaxiiing
Είσαι για ένα μπασκετάκι? = Do you wanna play basketball
Αμέ , αλλά δεν έχουμε μπάλα = Yep , but we don't have a ball
ΤΑΚ = TAK :p
Ωπ , κάποιος έρχεται με μπάλα ! = Oh , someone is coming with a ball !
Είστε για ένα μονό ? = Do you wanna play half court basketball?
Εγώ μόνος vs έσας = Me vs you (both)
Χαχα , τι λέει το μικρό ρε? = Haha , what does the kiddy is saying!?
Τι να σου πω , ας του μάθουμε λίγο μπάσκετ = What should i tell you? Let's learn him how to play basketball
Huh , δεν αντέχω άλλο = Huh , i can't more!
Ούτε εγώ = Neither do I !
Χαχαχα σας έλιωσε ο μικρός , χαχαχα = Haha , the kiddy made you "starve to death" ! Hahahaha
That was all :p ... As i told it was 2 years ago