When you get relegated, you absolutely have to drop your ticket prices. If you don't, you're losing $$$. Adjust your prices now before it's too late.
I remember demoting from D.I alongside an inactive BB-Mark who did not change his prices while I lowered mine in accordance to the USA pricing site (a friend gave me the numbers) and BB-Mark had a smaller arena than me and a less valuable arena than me (less luxury boxes, lower tier, same amount of courtside), he won less games than me, and he made more money than me in attendance revenue every week. I posted about it offsite and could probably dig up the exact numbers. I remember Paper Pushers demoted with us too and he was the middle ground between me and BB-Mark in terms of prices, and he too made less money than BB-Mark while having a bigger and more valuable arena.
Last edited by Stajan at 5/29/2012 9:52:01 PM