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Team ready for DivII?

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From: lamchops

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220692.8 in reply to 220692.7
Date: 6/24/2012 2:39:11 PM
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Also, you could try playing patient with a guard at Center (if you're training a center at PG). This is good if you have a guard who can score well and has decent secondaries. It creates good mismatches having a guard playing offense against a big especially if the big is a three skill donkey with no OD or SB. Patient is an optimal offense to capitalize on mismatches. I've
Been trying to run this type of offense while training out of position lately. The US D III manager smallfrie has th this with a good deal of success, maybe you could try BBmailling him.
Sorry if I just dumped a whole bunch of info on ou that you didnt want.

From: Mr AD

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220692.9 in reply to 220692.8
Date: 6/25/2012 6:50:11 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Also, you could try playing patient with a guard at Center (if you're training a center at PG). This is good if you have a guard who can score well and has decent secondaries. It creates good mismatches having a guard playing offense against a big especially if the big is a three skill donkey with no OD or SB. Patient is an optimal offense to capitalize on mismatches.

is this almost true for all managers? anyways, i'm planning to only train secondaries at a week with on league game or no league game at all (allstar week and playoff time).

Last edited by Mr AD at 6/25/2012 6:51:32 AM

From: GM-hrudey

This Post:
220692.10 in reply to 220692.9
Date: 6/25/2012 9:40:05 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Also, you could try playing patient with a guard at Center (if you're training a center at PG). This is good if you have a guard who can score well and has decent secondaries. It creates good mismatches having a guard playing offense against a big especially if the big is a three skill donkey with no OD or SB. Patient is an optimal offense to capitalize on mismatches.

is this almost true for all managers? anyways, i'm planning to only train secondaries at a week with on league game or no league game at all (allstar week and playoff time).

A large number of managers never alter their tactics and have unsavory builds, but one should always keep in mind that the better managers may have some secondary skills and will notice if you play a lot of patient with an out of position guard and adjust their defense accordingly.