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The Start of A Dynasty

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From: Glu17
This Post:
229781.7 in reply to 229781.1
Date: 11/13/2012 12:53:55 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Thanks for all your help! I've played this game before and I actually won a title in D5, but that was a while ago so I'm a little rusty. Good luck to everybody on the rest of this season and the rest of next year!

From: FuriousSK

This Post:
229781.8 in reply to 229781.7
Date: 11/13/2012 3:32:54 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I would definitely say dont spend any more big bucks on FA's until the arena gets going. of all the advice given, thats probably the biggest issue i see with what you've done so far, should not be spending almost your entire bank roll on big players, you can compete in D.V with relatively minimal salary (i had nobody over 10k salary, just a handful of 7-9k salaries.

if your guards are it, i'd say Motion if they have average range, and RnG if they have good range.