And because the thread and the explanations didn´t stop after 4 weeks 30 %, but continues with "maybe just 20 trades per season..." and so on.
I see Wolphs point, and I appreciate the direction, but he already starts tweaking and adding to it while already just discussing. That shows me that there is a fear that loopholes still exist if only teams happen to act in a large enough amount of moves.
I think if you follow Wolphs plan consequently, the key part is to disconnect the user and the buyer (which he suggested, in a way, by giving the seller a "clear cut" amount no matter what the buyer is paying).
Why not follow that basic idea to it´s full extent: make buying and selling independent action WITHOUT ripping apart the concept of auction in a free market?
You have a great "transparency" in the market if you do it completely, you take away money transfer moves and plenty ways of attempted cheating, you can actually "plan" what´s happening, you can calculate your training efforts in a monetary way long time before (long term strategy), and still you have the fun of running into bidding wars and stuff.
Last edited by LA-seelenjaeger at 4/30/2013 5:36:59 AM
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