You had played LI-M2M in both league games up to that point. Your opponent gambled on you doing it a third time, and it paid off for him. You might have had a chance to win that game had you mixed things up with say, a Motion offence. Likewise in the opening league game of the season, you got the tactic prediction completely wrong and took the L for it. It's not so much a game shape issue as it is you getting burned by the new tactic options...
The new system favours balanced teams methinks. Sure, LI is still king overall, but now it's a LOT, LOT easier to counter so you can't rely on it as much as you used to be able to. Perhaps Jump Range will finally be useful again, if only to be able to run the outside offences properly? I'm sure you know a lot about Jump Range, shoei ;).
Last edited by Jay (OTT) at 1/6/2014 1:05:11 AM