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Draft points

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From: LTJ

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261973.7 in reply to 261973.5
Date: 8/7/2014 8:22:34 PM
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This is exactly what I was after. Thank you. 185 is the most I'd need.

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261973.8 in reply to 261973.1
Date: 8/7/2014 10:29:41 PM
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If you have a look at previous season's draft's, you will find that in the first round, most people get their 1st, 2nd or 3rd preference.

So in terms of getting one of your top 3 preferences in the first round, its nearly a given, regardless of when you pick in the first round.

In terms of being guaranteed to pick one of the best 3 players in the draft though, that would require you to scout and interview everyone in the draft, which is basically 3 x 48 = 146 scouting points. That would cost $730k dollars to get that many points for this season.
Points carry over from season to season, so if you really wanted to do this, you could do it over a few seasons. I don't recommend utilizing 146 points on the draft through.

In general, I think most people who spend their skill points wisely, and in a tactical manner, will spend about 35-40 points per draft, in order to get enough information out of the draft that their top 4 or 5 picks are well known to be of top quality.

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261973.9 in reply to 261973.7
Date: 8/8/2014 4:46:38 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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I advice you stop looking for simple numbers for the answers you're looking for, because Buzzerbeater is a complex game. Be specific about your questions and try to not ask too many questions which you can find out yourself; if you want to know how many scouting points it takes to scout the whole draft, that you can calculate yourself. If you ask what is a good amount of points to spend if you have the 3rd pick, that's a whole other question and is subject to opinion, unlike the first question. If you ask for simple numbers, you won't get any wiser because you don't know that's the reason why people give that number.

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261973.10 in reply to 261973.9
Date: 8/8/2014 4:57:33 AM
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I think its an innocent enough assumption to think that the game is straight forward and I remember when I was a new user, it was like "How come people know this info and I don't, it must be written somewhere that i haven't discovered yet" finding out that there is no magical number for gameshape maangement.

But yes, its advisable to all new users that - the game is not straight forward and that there is no definitive answer, most conepts int he game are subjective and not concrete and what works in some situations won't work for others - Like the 203 zone defence haha.

Some people won't like this about games and will leave - those who crave the knowledge and power and ultimate in frustration, will stay! :)

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261973.11 in reply to 261973.10
Date: 8/8/2014 5:06:06 AM
Woodbridge Wreckers
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Yeah certainly, I kinda see a difference in people; they are either business minded or technically minded. The business people are used to make decisions with imperfect information, and to make choices between options that each have their pro's and con's. They are also used to face dilemmas. Technically minded people look for an optimum, the best possible answer. They think that if they figure out what is behind the problem, they can find the best 1 solution.

In this view, Buzzerbeater is more of a business game. Some parts might have an optimal point in a vacuum, but in the overall scheme of the game, there is no 1 best way of doing things. It can be hard for people with a different mindset to function in another situation; I had to learn it too as I have a technical background, but I'm now in a business job.