Well, halfway point of a pretty uneventful season. It's never been this dull around here. The Big 8 is a crap-fest with only Lengends as a legitimately good team. And this is coming from the owner right behind him! No offense meant to the other owners in the Big 8. I'm on the upswing of a rebuild and I know Round 2 is rebuilding and we're locked in a battle for second place!
The Great 8 has also fallen on hard times. I know there is some rebuilding, but that side used to be an absolute gauntlet. You guys would battle all year long, now it's pretty much decided.
I really hope we get some more actives next year and not the superstar demoted teams either. A little more balance would be good.
Let's see who gets the All-Star nods and who gets left off. Come on Big 8, win the game!