This guy is 224cm high and OD will be a pain. I trained already some bigs/players like you intend to. Also currently I build one in Utopia (Vidma).
My training plan is a different one than most of the other managers post.
I always start with SB. Train it until you receive an up. Go to RB and train it until an up. Than ID. Most of the time, you will need only one more week ID Training thanks to the subtraining. Between 13 and 16 you have to stop and switch to OD. Push it until your target (trains ID too). Than ttain his passing and as the last push, go back to SB/RB/ID. Finish him inside.
But when you say to start with SB and RB and train them only until an up .... '' an up " you mean just one level more than the starting one?
I honestly don't understant the logic of this thing.
However it doesn't seem to me that apart from this starting whit a add level in SB and Rb, your plan is too different from what I thought it would be.
My principal doubt is SB and then ID or viceversa. In Italian forum many managers write that id is very driven by sb but not exactly how much, also because sb is an untrained skill and therefore there is not much data available.
On Coach Parrot SB is more ID-driven than the other way around, but coach parrot is not the bible.
Chapter DR......obviously I would like my player to have as little dr as possible, because dr helps him to take more shots .... but while doing all the possible training simulations I saw that there is no salvation. If you train HN, even if you start from low DR level (like my player, whom I looked for with very low is and dr obviously), hn will pull dr up to almost equal his level.
Last edited by Antraxx83 at 1/24/2022 6:10:08 AM