That one extra game is not a big deal. Comon. If you have decent trainees, they can rack up those 48 minutes, no problem. You have 2 games, that you do not have to win! So you can play anyone at any needed position.
it is not only a game, it is also income(more then the most PO teams made).
I don't thing that it is worth in every league to fall back to 6, but in lot league it is. Also the motivation to finish on a better place is very low, if i had to decide if i fight for place 5 or prepare for the relegation(with an taff opponent) i would choose the preparation in the most case - betwen the most other spots i would figth hard to get the better place only the difference betwen 4th and third place is small.
Last edited by CrazyEye at 3/14/2010 3:43:22 PM