Well yeah, maybe we should have players be able to die, but not because of on-court injuries. This to me is an argument for why players should have personalities. Your new naive and impressionable 18yo, for instance, can achieve great things quickly on a team of leaders and winners, but bring him into your team of apathetic alcoholics and he may not do so well. Your star player got caught with a hooker the night before the big game and can't play? Should have paid more attention to the personality trait, brah.
I also think you should be able to give pep talks to your team and develop a reputation as a manager. You can make your players live in fear of you, or you can let them do whatever. So you know, it's a managerial decision whether you allow you players to hit the club and make it rain when you have a game the next day, knowing they'll come back either relieved of all tension, or just really hungover.
Last edited by RiseandFire at 12/12/2011 3:39:30 AM