ok, I present my players what I'm talking about and training speed, 8 weeks:
1. age 19; 6'2"
Jump Shot: prolific Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: mediocre Handling: awful
Driving: average Passing: respectable
JS pops in 3th week, JR pops in 2th week
2. age 19; 6'4"
Jump Shot: prominent Jump Range: strong ↑
Outside Def.: inept Handling: mediocre
Driving: strong Passing: average
JS - no pops, JR pops in 1th week and 8th week
3. age 19; 6'5"
Jump Shot: prolific ↑ Jump Range: strong
Outside Def.: respectable Handling: average
Driving: strong Passing: average
JS pops in 8th week, JR pops in 2th week
4. age 20; 6'2"
Jump Shot: prominent ↑ Jump Range: respectable ↑
Outside Def.: strong Handling: prominent
Driving: prominent Passing: sensational
JS pops in 1th week and 8th week, JR pops in 3th, 5th and 8th
5. age 20; 6'0"
Jump Shot: sensational Jump Range: proficient
Outside Def.: awful Handling: prolific
Driving: prolific Passing: prolific
JS pops in 6th week, JR pops in 3th and 6th
6. age 20; 6'0"
Jump Shot: prominent Jump Range: respectable
Outside Def.: inept Handling: strong
Driving: average Passing: respectable
JS pops in 2th week, JR pops i 4th
Trainer 9-10 lvl
Training JR for PG/SG, only player 3 gets up to 48 min. on every weeks, others plays 40 to 50 min. So tell me, how it is possible, there are such big differences in training??
Last edited by Aric at 9/15/2008 3:41:33 AM