Federation Standings Season Nine Week Eleven (FINAL)
Points Federation
111 Kingfish (2 7 9 10 19 20 21 23)
100 Sharks (3 6 11 12 13 15 18 22)
89 Calamari (1 4 5 8 14 16 17 24)
Well in the end the Kingfish were well named as they became the Kings of the Fishbowl season nine. A great chase by the Sharks for most of the season but just dropping off a bit at the end. As for the Calamari all I can say is we will be better next season. Hopefully we will see some old familiar faces back with potentially Iwen and Naker making their return but we certainly deserved last this season, we only have one team in the playoffs between the two leagues. Thanks to everyone for making this season a very harmonions and peaceful one with a lot less issues than normal.
Season Ten Champions: Kingfish