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BB Global (English) > The usual OMG how did I lose that thread...3

The usual OMG how did I lose that thread...3 (thread closed)

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From: valtsu
This Post:
251520.714 in reply to 251520.713
Date: 10/29/2019 4:34:49 PM
Overall Posts Rated:

This game was a must-win match for my team in order to not drop from the league straight away.

Even though my starting SG played a great game by 35 points scored, he maybe got tired in the end for playing 47 mins. A back up SG of mine was called to the court for 1 min total. What a bizarre decision by the coach there. I didn't see the match live though, so I don't know if the back up SG got injured, I need to check that later.

The injuries occurred during the competition should be seen in the box-score is my opinion.

From: frayer
This Post:
251520.716 in reply to 251520.715
Date: 11/5/2019 8:43:15 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

How, how I have lost this match? This is so wrong, so wrong... I was better in every aspect of a game and I lost by 16? This is total embarrassment for game engine and for me, that I am keep trying with this BB...

Ratings in game / results:

slightly better shooting / way worst scoring
way better defense / received 16 more points
way better jump / less defense jumps
better off flow / more lost and few taken balls

Better in ratings is worse in results apparently. I was patient with BB site problems,, to see this kind of playoff match? I correctly set game plan and I lost? I assume that I would lost this game if I was playing even with my non-utopian team. I am so disappointed to see this kind of stuff...

Last edited by frayer at 11/5/2019 9:07:50 AM

This Post:
251520.717 in reply to 251520.716
Date: 11/5/2019 2:16:47 PM
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Second Team:
Vilkiukai II
Playing LI with such bad IS is detremental, as you can see, your guards had bad driving/IS. PPP tells all the story, your best PPP was 109; while he had 3 positions above that, He would have won only with sf or pf playing patient; now he had 3players capable of bringing team on their back. Patient is very powerfull against bad defenses, usually if correctly chosen one guy can devastate.

Ratings means nothing, for example OD rating by center defence is very very weakly influenced, but seems the offence went through your 3-5 positions, your OD rating prolly is inflated of very high OD on PG spot. His offence rating outside shooting is deflated by high JS guys in SF-PF-C spots, since they contribute to offense less than PG for example your guard.

Overall both your IS and defence on sf-C spots sucks. Your rating very inflated, his ratings very deflated.

I would have attacked in your place either patient with misplaced guards on both PF and C or outside or neutral tactics, basicly everything besides inside would have worked. You had so strong guards, why dont use them?

Last edited by Vilkai [LTU NT] at 11/5/2019 2:20:32 PM

This Post:
251520.718 in reply to 251520.717
Date: 11/5/2019 2:36:04 PM
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My sf has defence 11 and c 15... I don't think that his sf and c with 10k salaries are better... I have twice better players and I lost... And why did I chose inside? Because he has horrible id and I with way better players could not give him points in paint? Ok, I could understand that my off tactic is wrong, but just the overal better diffence should bring me win. I had better off and dif and I lost... And what about jumps? 2x better players in paint and I lost in jumps?

This Post:
251520.719 in reply to 251520.718
Date: 11/5/2019 2:47:12 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Vilkiukai II
I mean OD defence for SF-C spots. Also his shots distribution way better, his SF-C took close to twice as much shots as your SF-C. In those situations driving skill tends to favor more shots. Seems like overall secondaries for his team is really good.

He played guy ranked PG at SF, he took most shots prolly because of high driving, and since it is trainee i bet its around 15-16, probably with very good both IS and JS, at like 12 ea.

From: Siwy

This Post:
251520.720 in reply to 251520.718
Date: 11/5/2019 2:53:22 PM
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But is it outside defense (very important against Patient) or inside defense (no so much important here)? Also, 10k salary doesn't mean that your opponent can't break through your defense. - IMO such player can easily break through your def (and please notice that his 10k SF was probably more like 15k due to training, so I expect him to be even more pure JS-oriented).

Last edited by Siwy at 11/5/2019 2:53:38 PM

Leniwy, stary, wyliniały kocur. Czasem jeszcze zerknie na polskie tłumaczenia.
From: frayer

To: Siwy
This Post:
251520.721 in reply to 251520.720
Date: 11/5/2019 3:11:29 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ok, I understand that they break my diffence... But where are points from my big guys? How could his 10k (multiskill) with weak id stop my c, pf and sf, which all have way better is then theirs id...

This Post:
251520.722 in reply to 251520.720
Date: 11/5/2019 3:26:41 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Vilkiukai II
Next season gona terorize 4th league with this one

And during playoffs my youth guards shoulld look something like:

Would go through any defence at 4th league.

Last edited by Vilkai [LTU NT] at 11/5/2019 3:28:37 PM

From: Mario
This Post:
251520.724 in reply to 251520.723
Date: 11/16/2019 2:24:08 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
How did I...won this?
