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New season arena cap

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122870.72 in reply to 122870.71
Date: 1/27/2010 12:31:53 PM
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anyway it would be nice to know when and how we gonna get the money, as i need to buy a big man and i would like to understand if i can count on an additional million to spend next week, or not.
i already asked that question twice in this thread, one of those being the very opening post, and never got an answer about the timing. nobody cared about me :(
i hope that the third time is the right one :)

From: Kukoc

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122870.73 in reply to 122870.70
Date: 1/27/2010 1:41:27 PM
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I been reading this thread a long time now, without saying anything. I just had enough. How can you whine about this minor change? You are not even maxed out with your courside prices. Changing the price will give you exactly the same income -> maybe even more. Whenever any change comes people go for the most unrealistic things that they can imagine. Those things will be found and eventually get fixed. If players realized that the attendance "cap" is at 20k. People started to build more courtsides and luxury boxes -> eventually that would make 10000 courtside seats and 1000 luxury boxes. Leaving ~9000 places for those two cheaper prices seats. BB-s saw that trend happening so they wanted to stop it before it got out of hand. We can all agree that that kind of arena setup would be really bogus. Arenas are mostly made of bleachers and that's how it should be.
Now this change affects really small number of users. Yes they are all successful teams and powerful teams. Many of which are not actually affected (like you -> reasons: price change, income gathered from those seats while they were in effect + getting all the construction money back).

From: CrazyEye

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122870.74 in reply to 122870.73
Date: 1/27/2010 2:52:06 PM
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I been reading this thread a long time now, without saying anything. I just had enough. How can you whine about this minor change?

because the direction they want to fix was clear like the first change, and i am pretty sure that they would be able that the first arena formula won't give them 20k arenas. Thats thing you could easily calculate, when you know the sth limit of the top clubs.
And they are warned.

You are not even maxed out with your courside prices

yeah because i was still in deconstruction, at the end of last season and then i had to make a big deconstruction because time was running out ... last season was only build expensiv seats, and deconstruct a few cheap seats to react on the changed they made. This cost me some million, becuase of the missing time and the progressing of the money.

Now they punish me forever, which is pretty fine and have to do with planing.

Changing the price will give you exactly the same income -> maybe even more.

if this was the case, more expensiv seats won't be a problem ;) I don't want to max them out, i want to go for maximum visitor on the more expensiv seats, and max the prices out in the silly to have seats - thats was the plan. Maxing out prices uncapped, lowers your income and not increased it.

People started to build more courtsides and luxury boxes -> eventually that would make 10000 courtside seats and 1000 luxury boxes. Leaving ~9000 places for those two cheaper prices seats. BB-s saw that trend happening so they wanted to stop it before it got out of hand. We can all agree that that kind of arena setup would be really bogus. Arenas are mostly made of bleachers and that's how it should be.

then why they don't watch for it, when it was time? And why are 500 courtside seats ok, but the 501 wasn't courtside anymore? Normally you pay Cat. 1-X with different prices, and not courtside etc. ok the VIP places are often called like their function, but in europe that aren't thoses boxes they are mostly like conference room with a view for the game(so also the expensiv coast are explained)/maybe more luxury seats would explain the other fdifferences too.

Now this change affects really small number of users.

I could believe that a lot of people will regret it, who actually had more then 8k bleachers, with the old distribution this won't be that bad, and probadly better because you reach the 20k earlier and can put more money on few seats.

Many of which are not actually affected (like you -> reasons: price change, income gathered from those seats while they were in effect + getting all the construction money back).

I am affected through it, when other managers have better contributions then me, because they get more money then me - and that is no planning error on my side.

From: CrazyEye

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122870.75 in reply to 122870.73
Date: 1/27/2010 3:01:34 PM
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The other point is that you had before that, the possibility to rule out a good individual contribution for you and your team, now you should go for a standard configuration and could call the seats just "seats", which would make building even more realistic and don't promise you flexibility at thsi point.

From: Kukoc

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122870.76 in reply to 122870.74
Date: 1/27/2010 5:37:14 PM
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I can't understand what you wanted to mean in your first responce. Perhaps you could formulate youre sentences a little.
What the hell is this, now they punish me forever??? LOL? Make smaller constructions/deconstructions. This game tends to change from time to time. No need to deconstruct something that takes you 1 season.
You want more seats. BB-s want 500 courtside seats. Because they think it 500 fits more with that 20k "cap". Set a price that sells those 500.
They changed it when they noticed it would be a problem. What? They can not change the game around? No more free agents. Let those prices rise? No new game engines? Change is good when it has a reason behind it. This seat cap has!
You are 1 out of 50000. This change is good for the game. What was the number? 100 managers were affected? I think atleast 50% of those do not care and adapt. You could try that aswell - without doing some radical arena rebuilding. Do not make constructions that last a season or 2. Perhaps you could build on weekly basis.

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
122870.77 in reply to 122870.76
Date: 1/27/2010 7:17:10 PM
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You want more seats. BB-s want 500 courtside seats. Because they think it 500 fits more with that 20k "cap". Set a price that sells those 500.

BB wanted something around 2000 thousand, because they designed it so, they also raised this number one season before. But instead if saying in those 14 weeks, sorry we made soemthing wrong we react on it next season, they see the problem for more then 14 weeks to change it one day after you can not react to it anymore(i think i mention it first a half season before they change it - which they read and which made those cap propose idiotic and not pretty popular, even before they made it instead of designing fan numbers who fit to the desired size of the arena).

They choose to raise the importance of courtside, and the number of courtside seats you could sell, while implemting it and now they make more then a stepback after most player adjust to this change.

What the hell is this, now they punish me forever??? LOL? Make smaller constructions/deconstructions.

there are none, and personal i believe that more seats then the cap could also cost seats, in the expensiv areas. I paid for 5k seats for example i never used(only a half seasoN), and who cost me in future money.

They say this game is about planing and thinking ahead, but they now changed a part of the game to punish players who are planning and thinking ahead for making the rigth decision - and why? this time they make it for nothing, because the effect of the arena is unimportant like the BB said they just wanted to change it ... So they punish lot of users 2 times, for planing and thinking ahead. Such is frustrating and makes me angry thats why i try to make it public.

Change is good when it has a reason behind it.

Points who makes this silly:

- seats disappear

- you can not react

- good planning is punished

- it is more unrealisitic, because it is just a term with 500 courtside seats the seats aren't courtside too

- difference prices of the seats, are now unlogic because it didn't reflect the quality of the seat, and just the position(seats lower to the ground are normally cheaper)

-arena expansion is still unlogic(but i hope it stays), because you nomarlly can not expand a arena - in stead you should buy a new one.

- they say it themself that it isn't necessary, and changenotthing in the globak economic

- unrealtistic

- less flexibility in building

Pro change:

- they pronounced, and first regret it three days after but then they won't change it back because people already could plan with it ... Sorry the time before was much longer, and we don't get an escape plan for this crap. But ok is it a pro argument i understand, because it shows how improtant planning is.

This Post:
122870.78 in reply to 122870.73
Date: 1/28/2010 2:34:01 AM
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hehe..funny conversation :-)

i can only say..BUUUUUUUUG..Boston send me construction workers from greece or africa i suppose..i startet the rebuilding in the middle of season 9 and like it looks now they smoked more as they worked :-D



From: Kukoc

This Post:
122870.79 in reply to 122870.77
Date: 1/28/2010 4:28:56 AM
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Sometimes it takes more time to see the outcome of a change. They saw the change was flawed and gave you some time to adapt. They did not implement it right away.
You used the seats for half a season + You get your building money back! You did not get punished, you changed your arena around too hastfully, thus making yourself vulnerable for fixes.
In games everything can not be realistic, things that can be (and would not make something unlogical) should be implemented.
500 seats are courtside (about 2-3 rows, depenging on the arena). It's really funny for you to argue about why not 501-600, 500 suits the best, deal with it.
- difference prices of the seats, are now unlogic because it didn't reflect the quality of the seat, and just the position(seats lower to the ground are normally cheaper)

Can't understand you logic or you have trouble putting your thoughts in english. Have you been to an NBA game? How come lower seats are cheaper? People watching from bleachers just watch the monitors and eat burgers. Courtside seats are exactly what they should be courtside - thus making them more expencive than lower tier seats.
Could not understand the bold thing aswell :)
It's realistic enough, don't build like a madman. Build per week

Last edited by Kukoc at 1/28/2010 4:31:01 AM

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
122870.80 in reply to 122870.79
Date: 1/28/2010 4:40:33 AM
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Sometimes it takes more time to see the outcome of a change. They saw the change was flawed and game you some time to adapt. They did not implement it right away.

they don't think about the previous change, and try to react with even less power on brainstorming - after it they say this change wasn't necessary and it is just hurting people is that good game designing. maybe i am to oldschool, but if i implent something, i do calculations around it or at least test it, they already had a calculator for visitor and could make an esasy maximum income calculation. And they don't change it when ithey see it, the case was clear too weeks after implementation, and the problem which scould happen even before they implente this way.
So if it not necessary a failure, you don't have to do it afterwards. or at least they could make it so, that good planning(which is term of game design), isn't bad for the teams. A simple Arena tool, which gave the team the possibility to fit the arena to the new system would help a lot.

You used the seats for half a season + You get your money back! You did not get punished, you changed your arena around too hastfully, thus making yourself vulnerable for fixes.

I changed the arena, around the system, and because this was so obvious, you had to think that it is planned that way.
And i am punished, because i put money into those seats, insteat of putting them in the second cheapest area, and not destruct the bleachers. And this will stay, and hurts me every game i play in my arena.

500 seats are courtside (about 2-3 rows, depenging on the arena). It's really funny for you to argue about why not 501-600, 500 suits the best, deal with it.

thats more then 2-3 Rows, and why they aren't even some more? I am angry because the BB didn't think in making those arena changes, and reach the opposite of what was planned, they makre the arena even more unrealistic then it was before(and this would fine because it makes fun, those changed tdon't make fun they just take a dimension out of the game for people who now start to build, and punish people whoa re already finished building).

Can't understand you logic or you have trouble putting your thoughts in english. Have you been to an NBA game? How come lower seats are cheaper? People watching from bleachers just watch the monitors and eat burgers.

they are cheap to construct, not cheap to buy for the visitor ;) And normally games have different categories, and the lower level is normally more expensiv but much more then three rows ;)

This Post:
122870.81 in reply to 122870.80
Date: 1/28/2010 4:45:10 AM
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You mentioned the new GE before, when they released it, they know they make shit and put the old one back into buissness - why they making make this change back when they notice things are running wrong, and work around till it fit - instead of crushing planning too times in a short period of time. At least they could release then in the time, you still could react.

And don't forget, that they already plan a new change to it, which will crucsh plannings again ...

Is that fun, have that something to do with planning?

From: Kukoc

This Post:
122870.82 in reply to 122870.80
Date: 1/28/2010 5:14:16 AM
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That's why we have Courtside and Lower tier. Depending on arena size courtside could be more than 3 rows. But that is beside the point. The point is you can not add up courtside seats and lower tier seats and call them just courtside -> you have to agree that this would be absurd. I think you are missing the fact that we have 4 types of seats in the arena.
Everyone who start to build now are fine. Older teams can't build 1298372 size arenas and can not build unlogical arenas with 10000 courtside seats and 5000 bleachers.
I think BB's should let you keep those courtside seats. Just say: Courtside seats have "silent cap" on 500 -> and arena "caps" at 20000. If you have 5000 Courtside seats you get 500 filled and rest of the 4500 will just count for the cap. So with 5000 courtside seats you get attendance "capped" at 15500. If you have 100 luxury boxes aswell it will cap at 15450. So building proportionally unlogical arenas would cost you more.
