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BB Global (English) > Supporters protest against the delays of matches, training, etc.

Supporters protest against the delays of matches, training, etc.

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201393.72 in reply to 201393.68
Date: 11/22/2011 9:49:56 AM
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4 of the 10 guys not on sale have GS 6 or less.
You aren't a supporter.
I don't have to defend the BB staff. In this case, I happen to disagree with you. I often set my lineups- two league games, cup game, B3 game, and PL, over a week in advance because I am busy and sometimes forget to set my lineup day of the game. In cases where I don't get back to double check, I generally don't have to worry about my team GS because I manage my minutes played. But, if you want to continue to believe that it is the update that is doing your team a great disservice, that is your right. Good luck.

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
From: Saltori

This Post:
201393.73 in reply to 201393.62
Date: 11/22/2011 10:14:33 AM
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There aren't developers :S

We're alone :S

This Post:
201393.74 in reply to 201393.72
Date: 11/22/2011 12:12:35 PM
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This is not discussion about GS in my team.
I was supporter it's one.
I paid for supporter for one manager, so i have reason to talking about problems in this game.

This Post:
201393.75 in reply to 201393.72
Date: 11/22/2011 12:29:55 PM
KS Goldena
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Second Team:
KS Golden Grizzlies
What significance does the number of players in roster of the impossibility of setting the composition on time because of delays? Mario roster and form of the players doesn't matter in delays topic.

I see voices that for somebody doesn't matter when the training is. Some of the users probably do not care about watching live matches but big part of us like to be excited about watching live matches. This is very important part of this game. Moreover, in this game we have something like weekly schedule. BBs invite us on concrete time on training, matches etc. We are on time...and? BB is just part of our live. We have families, schools, jobs etc. Do you understand? We feel that our time isn't respected.

This Post:
201393.76 in reply to 201393.75
Date: 11/22/2011 12:42:51 PM
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The significance is that instead of complaining about how the training update adversely affects his roster making (which he did and to which my comments have been directed), the poster could eliminate the problem by managing his minutes more effetcively. The game is not and never will be bug free. To sit around and complain is one option. To accept imperfection and think about ways to work within the current system is another. I choose the second because compalining about the trivialities of an online game when we all have families, schools, jobs etc. is not only embarrassing but comnpletely misplaced energy in my opinion. And, let me be clear, this is just my opinion.

Last edited by somdetsfinest at 11/22/2011 12:44:03 PM

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.
This Post:
201393.77 in reply to 201393.76
Date: 11/22/2011 3:36:11 PM
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I couldn't set line up for Cup game once coz of "smth went wrong..." How about that, huh? Played default... longer supporter: Paraszczak

This Post:
201393.78 in reply to 201393.1
Date: 11/22/2011 5:22:29 PM
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This is an official supporters protest.

"Matches are delayed"
"We are once again experiencing troubles with training"
"Sorry for the inconvenience"
"Ooops something is wrong..."

How many times we will read something like that?

We are very unhappy that the delays and problems occur so often. We feel that our support is not as it should be used to develop the game in order to user satisfaction. We expect you to do more to solve problems.

I really don't enjoy your post. This game was always about not having any real in-game advantage for cash. Here, you make it sound like you're the Derek Fisher in our sindicate. You supporters are not the only ones getting delayes and from the moment you paid your supporter you knew you are just donating, not asking for special treatment. Plus, instigating others to do so, is very wrong, to say the least.

All this aside, yes, i also hate the delayes, but tbh, this game is far better in bugs resolving, and talking with the community than any other i can think of.

This Post:
201393.79 in reply to 201393.78
Date: 11/22/2011 6:40:32 PM
KS Goldena
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Second Team:
KS Golden Grizzlies
Here, you make it sound like you're the Derek Fisher in our sindicate. You supporters are not the only ones getting delayes and from the moment you paid your supporter you knew you are just donating, not asking for special treatment. Plus, instigating others to do so, is very wrong, to say the least.

You misinterpret my intentions. I already explained what I wanted to say in several earlier posts and I don't really want to repeat.

...this game is far better in bugs resolving, and talking with the community than any other i can think of.

I appreciate the effort but in the end I would like to see the effects. I don't see anything wrong in criticism. Criticism should mobilize, rather than destruct. In my opinion, patting on the back and saying that nothing has happened doesn't mobilize.

This Post:
201393.80 in reply to 201393.79
Date: 11/23/2011 10:14:56 AM
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I am not supporting polish protests, as believe that developers trying to do their best to keep all technical questions in shape and thanks to them for their work.

From other hand, I am little bit disappointing by how the perfect idea of BB game is developing. Shortly saying I am not happy about deficit economy, deflation, slow training of players. May be it could be a good reason to quit support and the game at all.

This Post:
201393.81 in reply to 201393.80
Date: 11/23/2011 11:23:58 AM
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Probably i will not buy next supporter, just becouse of that.

This Post:
201393.82 in reply to 201393.80
Date: 11/24/2011 5:25:19 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
Overall Posts Rated:
Right. uhmm ...WRONG!

I don't like how World's economy goes. Should I 'erase my account' by commiting suicide?
Bloody NOPE.

I don't like that people nowadays evolve in reverse. Should I not invest in my family or in my future, hoping that things will sometime be better?

Y'all missing the freakin' point here. This game is made for walking. You walk beside it because you like it's company, or you just stay behind and find some other occupation or destination or sensation or...whatever your attention leads you. This game in which you invest your time and, sometimes, your money, can and will get better. That's the reason you invest in it. So many of the creepy comments around here...remain just on the 'creepy' level. OK I too don't like waiting... But we wait our whole lives for things that don't even come...why then be a milkshake when a GAME makes you wait for a bit?

Think about it and don't try starting virtual riots when riots are made for finishing, not starting.


Last edited by MCMXC a.D. at 11/24/2011 5:28:14 AM
