歡迎來到賽季 61: 遊戲引擎的改善及新版受傷歸期預估水晶球
讓我們來恭喜Hupipalloilijat的經理,來自Finland的Tuoki奪得了最新一季的B3 冠軍盃賽的冠軍!在與賽季58的冠軍得主,來自比利時的JoeMaverick所率領的Vottem Cowboys的冠軍賽中,他克服了上半場的劣勢,在下半場驚險地將比賽結果翻盤,最終就以107-100的比數獲勝。在奪冠的路途上,Tuoki同時也擊敗了賽季59的冠軍得主 Dolar,這可是個實至名歸的冠軍!
讓我們把焦點轉移至世界冠軍錦標賽,讓我們恭喜由LeYeNdiNhA所率領的西班牙,他們擊敗了由Charles M.領軍的德國。在激烈拉鋸的比賽中,最終西班牙 驚險地以79-83獲得了最終的勝利。這個賽季的U21世界冠軍錦標賽將會在保加利亞舉辦,各位可以期待各國的青年才俊們展現出他們無限的實力及潛力。
發佈者: BB-Marin 2023/5/20 下午 08:33:27
Welcome to Season 61: GE improvements and better injury estimatesInjuries are such an important factor of BuzzerBeater; knowing how long they can last is crucial information which can dictate long term strategies. We’ve all been there, a big match coming up in a few weeks, but will our star player be ready for it? Instead of guessing in the dark, improvements in medical diagnosis of late have made it possible to show a more precise estimate in days, rather than weeks.
The game engine has also received a couple of tweaks, to keep it relevant with current basketball rules. Some long standing bugs have also been addressed.
(319253.10)The next season's draft class will be judged just a bit more harshly. For example, top draftees will be required to fulfill a higher standard of quality to get that 5 ball rating when scouted. The intention is to make drafting more precise and rewarding, in case you do get that coveted first place pick!
Let's take a moment to congratulate Tuoki, the manager of Hupipalloilijat from Finland, for emerging as the B3 champion last season! His victory over the season 58 champion, JoeMaverick of Vottem Cowboys from Belgium was a hard-fought battle, with a thrilling comeback in the last two quarters, ending 107-100. On his route to the final, Tuoki also beat Dolar, the season 59 champion, so his achievement is truly a well earned one!
Shifting our focus to the World Championships, we extend our congratulations to Spain, led by manager LeYeNdiNhA, for triumphing over Germany, managed by Charles M.. In an exciting contest, Spain secured a close fought 79-83 victory. This season's junior National Team championships will be held in Bulgaria, promising an exhilarating display of basketball prowess from youngsters around the world.
Speaking of accolades, let's give a round of applause to bigshoes, the winner of the B3 predictions contest! Hailing from Hong Kong, bigshoes’ astute predictions earned him a well-deserved reward of a full year of free Supporter benefits. He was awarded second place the season before that, so he’s going to enjoy his free Supporter for a very long time. Following closely in second and third places were LA-canci and arrowspg5, demonstrating their impressive forecasting skills.
Lastly, we encourage you to join our discord community and engage in lively discussions with fellow basketball enthusiasts. Click here to become a part of the vibrant BuzzerBeater community and immerse yourself in all things basketball!
https://discord.gg/cXEHPmdxzpExciting times await in Season 61, so gear up and get ready to experience the thrill of basketball at its finest in the world of BuzzerBeater!
Posted by: BB-Marin 5/20/2023 8:33:27 PM
Last edited by little Guest at 1/24/2025 9:07:03 AM