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BuzzerBeater Arenas

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56772.72 in reply to 56772.71
Date: 2/22/2009 1:05:14 PM
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so what about the flying munchkins?

a grat team with a great manager and a good arena.this is not the point,i could made the example of venividiveni fb(45276)
maybe you don't understand my point of view.I'm not accusing every one to make something wrong,but there are some cyclical tendences in every sport,and always there's a movement to contrast the teams which are in advantage to give to the other teams the possibility to compete.This happen in the BB in the past penalizing some temas more than other with a general rule,this will happen in the future,maybe you'll have the most stricken by some changes in this direction,maybe the most stricken will'be other teams,but if everyone in your league are in tthe same situations,what's the problem,everyone will be in the same competitive situation

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56772.73 in reply to 56772.72
Date: 2/22/2009 1:15:04 PM
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but i also say that the competition is not broken, rivality on the transfermarket isn't bad, becuase every team in the same competition is in a similiary psoition, i would say for most leagues. Else maybe the manager works more short therm and have problems now to compete with long term teams, like in was the different before.

The actualy changes was amde, because the same competition was broken, because first division teams, get a lot more money, but haven't the possibility to spend them, because there are no high salary players, and thats why it was very hard to catch up through then, and maybe thats one of the reason i am still in div 1 - because i was lucky to start few weeks before bb make promotion on hattrick.

PS: and even the german leagues make jokes about div II teams who bought there players, for exorbitant prices in our country, so why they didn't get the punishment, and we got them after your conclusion ;)

PPS: Your example even could play succesfull with small arena, so is it that superiro the arena?

Last edited by CrazyEye at 2/22/2009 1:18:10 PM

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56772.74 in reply to 56772.68
Date: 2/22/2009 1:16:42 PM
Le Cotiche
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The aim of BBs is to make BB a complete management game

...so you want to punish teams who make good choices
oh yes, great idea

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56772.75 in reply to 56772.74
Date: 2/22/2009 1:32:34 PM
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...so you want to punish teams who make good choices
oh yes, great idea

you mean, punish teams that took advantage of making more money in the early seasons to build a nearly insurmountable advantage over any lower division teams.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." - http://tinyurl.com/noigttt
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56772.76 in reply to 56772.74
Date: 2/22/2009 1:43:11 PM
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you are too smart to understand that the choice of builidng arenas very big(40k,not 10-15 k as the yours),gave too structural advantages as the system is now.This is becoming the "Right Choice",not one of the choises to develop the game of a single user.

@CrazyEye:The market is global,the discussion of incomes have to consider the differences between the various countries

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56772.77 in reply to 56772.75
Date: 2/22/2009 1:49:07 PM
Le Cotiche
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...so you want to punish teams who make good choices
oh yes, great idea

you mean, punish teams that took advantage of making more money in the early seasons to build a nearly insurmountable advantage over any lower division teams.

and how do you recognize such a team? by arena size?

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56772.78 in reply to 56772.75
Date: 2/22/2009 2:48:52 PM
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You know, it's rather refreshing—and reassuring— when a manager who has been/is there already can see the point-of-view of the teams that are not there. It is indeed a struggle for the teams now starting—we should do all we can not to penalize them or keep them from advancing. GM—brianjames always shows leadership in this regard even though he is at the top...Pappy

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56772.79 in reply to 56772.78
Date: 2/22/2009 5:49:29 PM
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Excellent point, thanks GM-BrianJames for considering the little guy objectively.

It should not be easy at all to catch up to established teams, but it should not be impossible either. I have not seen a solution presented yet that wont help some teams and hurt others. No matter what happens some form of this discussion will probably always be present and debated. I just wonder what is best for the game as a whole? A Padron Aniversario mailed in a humi-mailer to the person who can answer that one.

From: /joao

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56772.80 in reply to 56772.79
Date: 2/22/2009 6:16:45 PM
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Someone nailed it when said that expanding arenas to monster ones are becoming the only way to mantain at top.

Surely it is not something wanted by BB staff. At the end, there should still be alternatives to succeed.

Something similar with training - i believe its about time to enhance team training in order to amplify manager options and escape from 2 position training-selling-one-to-compensate-other-positions.

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56772.81 in reply to 56772.80
Date: 2/22/2009 7:30:18 PM
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or the BBs can introduce maintenance fees for arenas.

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56772.82 in reply to 56772.78
Date: 2/22/2009 11:02:33 PM
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Shall i tell you why I stopped building...

I just have this horrible hunch that as soon as I construct again the next day there will be an announcement about arena taxes....

I do admire the German building phenomenon but the ROI for each seat above 30,000 is unbeleivable and perhaps it is looking better than it is due to defation on the transfer market.

BUT i guess with 10% arena tax again this year and no real sign of inflation around the corner, 1 more season of expansion will effectively set most established teams up for their entire BB life....

So who wants me to press the button!!!
