I do relief, so I teach prep to 12. Most people don't like it but I think it's awesome: no marking, report cards, lesson plans.. I leave at 3 every day!
Massive piles of correction, incredible preperation load, students with serious gaps in their skills and knowledge, the pressure of the end of year exams constantly hanging over us, teaching two different year 12 subjects this year one for the first time, I leave at 5:30 to 8:30 each day.
At least the English exam is over and my students were so happy with the paper, they believe they were well taught, we shall see in a month. One more big exam next Monday and then I am on easy street for a few weeks until we begin again.
But I do love it, it is quite a special job and you are very much appreciated. On the other hand we have a regular substitute teacher who works most days and he is very popular with the students as well.