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România - II.4 > sezon 21 - Diverse ETC ETC

sezon 21 - Diverse ETC ETC (thread closed)

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From: buia
This Post:
224606.74 in reply to 224606.73
Date: 9/7/2012 4:56:21 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
u.craiova - UM Timişoara ----
BC IONY PITESTI - Boston "The Greats" Celtis --2
zulus - lps chimie --1
Rockpit - LA Sibiu --1
Carbó VB Ploiesti - U Mobitelco --1
LOL team - The Black Bears --2
Ozana Stars - Nankatsu team --2
bDanvs Cheetahs - BCM ELBA Timişoara --1

From: MCMXC a.D.

To: buia
This Post:
224606.75 in reply to 224606.74
Date: 9/7/2012 5:54:27 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
Overall Posts Rated:
u.craiova - UM Timişoara --2
BC IONY PITESTI - Boston "The Greats" Celtis --2
zulus - lps chimie --1
Rockpit - LA Sibiu --2
Carbó VB Ploiesti - U Mobitelco ----
LOL team - The Black Bears --2
Ozana Stars - Nankatsu team --2
bDanvs Cheetahs - BCM ELBA Timişoara --1

aveti idee cum pot vorbi cu superiorul celui care se ocupa de tragerea la sorti pt cupa?
e al 3-lea sezon consecutiv in care pic din turul 2-3 cu o echipa puternica... de data asta s-a nimerit sa fie Fetish...

This Post:
224606.76 in reply to 224606.75
Date: 9/7/2012 8:01:28 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
mda .. si eu am cam ajuns la final in cupa. cred ca il poti gasi in orice biserica (cel putin asa se lauda preotii) :)

This Post:
224606.77 in reply to 224606.75
Date: 9/7/2012 8:25:09 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
u.craiova - UM Timişoara - 2
BC IONY PITESTI - Boston "The Greats" Celtis - 1
zulus - lps chimie - 1
Rockpit - LA Sibiu - xxx
Carbó VB Ploiesti - U Mobitelco - 1
LOL team - The Black Bears - 2
Ozana Stars - Nankatsu team - 2
bDanvs Cheetahs - BCM ELBA Timişoara - 1

This Post:
224606.78 in reply to 224606.76
Date: 9/7/2012 8:51:57 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
Overall Posts Rated:
am zis la superior, nu la CEO)))))))

This Post:
224606.79 in reply to 224606.75
Date: 9/7/2012 9:14:07 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Adresa e str. Ferdinand nr.1, la Timisoara Grand Arena. Acolo se fac tragerile la sort si tot acolo il gasesti pe acel superior de care vorbeai.
Din cate am inteles tragerile la sort se fac cam la fel cum se fac si desemnarile de "man of the match" (pe aceleasi principii).

This Post:
224606.80 in reply to 224606.79
Date: 9/7/2012 9:49:13 AM
Carbó VB Ploiesti
Overall Posts Rated:
hmmm... se deduce deci ca defapt "tragerile la sorti" sunt corecte....
eh aia e... resemnare...

This Post:
224606.81 in reply to 224606.80
Date: 9/7/2012 11:27:05 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
u.craiova - UM Timişoara - 1
BC IONY PITESTI - Boston "The Greats" Celtis - 69
zulus - lps chimie - 1
Rockpit - LA Sibiu - 2
Carbó VB Ploiesti - U Mobitelco - 2
LOL team - The Black Bears - 1
Ozana Stars - Nankatsu team - 2
bDanvs Cheetahs - BCM ELBA Timişoara - 1

This Post:
224606.82 in reply to 224606.81
Date: 9/8/2012 10:31:38 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
u.craiova - UM Timişoara - 2
BC IONY PITESTI - Boston "The Greats" Celtis - 69
zulus - lps chimie - 1
Rockpit - LA Sibiu - 1
Carbó VB Ploiesti - U Mobitelco - 2
LOL team - The Black Bears - 1
Ozana Stars - Nankatsu team - 2
bDanvs Cheetahs - BCM ELBA Timişoara - 1
