Just a detail about this whole "official change proposal" process.
To me there should be no poll until the debate is "over".
We should only vote once when know all the pros, cons and simply all the potential consequences of such a change.
Cause of course most of the managers will be for the idea of having more training flexibilty. As they would be for the idea of more income, better/more draftees and so on..
In politics, you don't vote before the debates are over. In companies, you do not start a project before the initial analysis is over, you don't say "let's go !" just because the idea seems interesting to the majority. You wait until you have all the datas to ensure this will be a good decision.
That being said, that's a good thing to think about new changes and debate about them.
Last edited by slamdunk9 at 5/27/2023 7:04:37 AM