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Suggestions > Minor suggestion 2

Minor suggestion 2 (thread closed)

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From: Mihkel

This Post:
202503.735 in reply to 202503.734
Date: 2/3/2014 6:34:21 PM
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Players tend to get on hot streaks and cold streaks:
I propose that there be bonuses and penalties to players (minor ones), based on their play. If a player gives up 5-6 lay ups in a row, he's going to somewhat lose confidence in his defense, and either foul more, or give up another easy lay up.
On the other side, if he is mentally strong from either experience or being clutch, he would lock down and fix it.
3pt shooters, will feel a rhythm after making a few shots and then it's like they can't miss, and on opposite side, if they keep missing they have a hard time taking the lid off the basket.
I just think "hot" and "Cold" streaks for players would add some element to the games.

Uhhhm... Game Shape?!?!?

I think he means within a single game...
And game shape is only affected by playing time...

Last edited by Mihkel at 2/3/2014 6:36:58 PM

This Post:
202503.736 in reply to 202503.734
Date: 2/3/2014 11:33:12 PM
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Guy who responded to you first answered, so I'll just reiterate it by saying.

I can play 65 minutes in a week and be in great gameshape, proficient even, but if during the 65 minutes I shoot 0-34. I think that'd be a pretty bad cold streak, and not "proficient" in that sense.

This Post:
202503.738 in reply to 202503.737
Date: 2/4/2014 12:02:13 PM
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Wouldn't that depend on a lot of things other then GS? Exp, level of passing, choice of offense and opponents defense. I have players that in the wrong offense and against the wrong opponent surely could shoot such bad percentage without it being very strange.

Oh absolutely, but even through all that would you expect an 0-34?

Cold streaks and Hot streaks, just saying if its not already something in place. It'd be a nice addition.

This Post:
202503.740 in reply to 202503.739
Date: 2/6/2014 5:34:29 PM
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It would be very convenient to see if we have unread forum messages on front page. Maybe like the BB-Mail (1) that indicates unread BB-mails, it could be something like Forum (1)...

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202503.741 in reply to 202503.730
Date: 2/8/2014 12:52:20 PM
Kira Kira Koseki
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Second Team:
Yubi Yubi
You mean to tell me that all this time Jump Range hasn't been helping my players to dunk???

This Post:
202503.742 in reply to 202503.741
Date: 2/8/2014 5:32:46 PM
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You mean to tell me that all this time Jump Range hasn't been helping my players to dunk???

Well, here's the description from the Game Manual -> Nomenclature:

"Jump Range: A player with a higher jump range will find that the effectiveness of his jump shot decreases less with distance."

There's no reference that it increases jumping, the only thing it says is that it increases shooting range...

This Post:
202503.743 in reply to 202503.742
Date: 2/8/2014 6:47:18 PM
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Pretty sure he was being sarcastic.

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.
This Post:
202503.744 in reply to 202503.743
Date: 2/9/2014 7:05:19 AM
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Pretty sure he was being sarcastic.

Yes, I know he was. I was just ignoring his wonderful sarcasm and tried to bring my point forward once again. ;)

But you guys don't think it should be changed? Why not? It's incorrect and misleading right now.

This Post:
202503.745 in reply to 202503.744
Date: 2/9/2014 8:06:37 AM
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If anything, "Jumpshot Range" would be accurate I guess. It would keep the "JR" name, keeping Dallas TV show fans happy.

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.