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Suggestions > World Toruneys like B3 for all Levels/League

World Toruneys like B3 for all Levels/League

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From: CrazyEye

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167495.75 in reply to 167495.74
Date: 1/8/2011 5:09:17 AM
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If you are in the national, you are in the national, if you are in an international you are in an international. Some teams will get a national tourney and large nations would all still have a national tourney

and you don't play an national cup who is at least lot more attractive then your meaningless cup builds ;)

As I tried to outline, a bottom end team would get a ffew hundred in their tourney, say 500bucks or so a week whether they win or lose. A top league would get maybe 10k or 20k everyweek (for BBB)


Currently with national tourneys, as you point out, you can't devote your energy 100% to both very easy. You can't CT in one without doing some TIEs in the other enthusiasm wise. If somebody is in your tournament, say the BB3 but in a weeker league, say they are in JBBL and they have an enthusiasm advantage because they can TIE regular season without demoting, don7t worry. This means they have less revenue to begin with, they have hit a glass ceiling. You have the option of TIEing regular season and CTing them in the cup

could you imagine, that the TIE in Cup is worth a lot? I don't play the cup for money, whe i put energy in it mostly for future TIE(or when i am lucky to get to the final rounds)

So this money difference must be huge to make up to extra TIE's, so that yous till have an advantage.

And as i said, in nippon you only a punished with the tv income. Old teams in weaker country earn, the same entry money then old ones in mine when they are succesful(and this is much easier, in germany you have to put more effort in winning away games then when you play a rooster with haldf of your quality and that could make up to 100k difference). But this isn't much important for me, it is just a clarification for you because you always arguing that nippon get much less money, with ignoring that they have not yet the arenas .

So don7t worry your advantage stays intact

no it doesn't when some other dudes of my league, play weaker cups ;) Because the bit more price money, don't buys me enthusiam.

Wanting to win your cup AND your league is just greedy dude. You can't complain aobut lower teams enthusiasm advantage.

With the current system i didn't target it, look at my cup runs ;) And which teams kicked me out, before you saying that i want this for winning both ;)

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
167495.77 in reply to 167495.76
Date: 1/8/2011 7:16:28 AM
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The arena sizes in Japan right now for the top teams are the biggest you can sell. Because of how weak the teams who come to town, when you are the home team, you can't sell seats

maybe your team are still to young to sell all seats, that grows a bit with time, but you have so much 10k arenas or player who sell just 10k because you charge to high prices ;)

The quality of teams have nearly no effect, if they play against equal quality teams.

For example this relative young team (208416) earns 550k each game, with very very bad competition(sorry cashwinner). And i need some more season to get to "staying" sth.

If other dudes in your league play weaker cups and TIE them, then why don7t you TIE your cup?

because my competition is stronger, when i land in a cup where i am not favorite ;) So tie'ing there is a one time thing, for my main competion in a weaker cup they could make it more often and get stronger roster for less money. I don't know how often i told this to you ;)

than TIE your cup. Being in a weeker cup doesn't give them more enthusiasm than you

really 3 times tie, don't give you more then one? Seems like i had to learn game mechanics, like merch, visitors and enthusiam ;)

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
167495.79 in reply to 167495.78
Date: 1/8/2011 8:06:06 AM
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If they are in your league, then how are they 3 times TIEing whne you can't? Dude you are imaging a scenario where you are in a league with a guy who isnt in your league and then complaining about it? What is wrong with you?

i am in your scenario ;) Where one team is in a stronger competion, where he is the underdog and the other team is one of the favorites in another (inter)national Cup pool. You know favorites, could win much easier then underdogs. Which leads to more cup games, when they TIE which raise their enthusiam.

Or did you find the take it easy button in the scrimmage?

OK so you are talking about if they stay in their cup and you are scrimmaging? Ok now I get what you are saying.

and why you talk stupid, when you already know the reason ;) Even when i am wondered that you get it after the 50th try.

Except I think it would be ONE team from the top league in teh JBBL, otherwise per what I am suggesting basically all the guys in a given league would be in teh same cup

it should be ideally all of one country and league level, but for this your cups are to small ;) I pointed this out way before.

I'm gonna call this the early exit vs. late exit problem. This is a problem with the system AS IS adn again not a valid complaint against internatinoal tourneys. It is an argument against tourneys in general.

Today you have the same prohability, for playing your next cup game tie, and you would have it every season. So in the end it get's fair. With your system, you have really different prohabilitys, depending and income and positive sideeffects of enthusiam which didn't rule out, because there is no equality in chanches.

Even though you are in the same Cup who you face is random.

and random is fair ;) Even when you are sometimes lucky and sometimes not.

I was talking about the arena of the WORST team selling tickets when hosting Sharman while he was tanking his way to demotion. When this guy played Sharman, even though he is worst in the league, And I also was one of the newest/worst teams in the JBBL Sharman sold seats at my house even while losing becaues of the quality of his previous seasons reps

Yeah, but this would also happen when Laim tanks in my league or cashwinner in his country. Yeah attendance depends also on succes, back to the last season. But in nippon you have a game and a winner, like in germany and even in italy there is also a winenr and a looser ine very game.

So the gamemechanics is fair. And when you have a expensive rooster, and a nice arena in nippon(and know how to use it). You would have the same income like me, besides the TV income.(ok and maybe a bit more visitors because you could win your away games easily)

The current disadvantage, of small countrys in BBB is maybe the few monsters in NT you need which a good for your merch(but you maybe get players who are better for a normal team and beeing NT) and less cup rounds which gives you later not the possibility to tie for the BBB where big country teams could sacrifice a league game to easily compete in cup.(or having a monster roster like Laim which is really debt, but still strong in the first row)

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
167495.82 in reply to 167495.81
Date: 1/8/2011 11:05:24 AM
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For example, I can't have you just sit there and lie and continue to claim that it is as possible to earn as much revenue in JBBL as it is in Germany Division I. It just isn't true. Ask the BBs if you have to,

i am quite sure that the BB already stated that i am right, the season ticket holders raise a while( i believe around 7 season to reach an equilibrium) and in the first 4-5 you have bigger steps in first league).

I showed you a example of a team, who have a better income then me in his league games, competing with opponent who are maybe third or fourth league niveau and having a roster which is weaker then yours.

And you could ask everyone, that ticket prices around 20 bucks and just selling 50% of the seats isn't the best. You should have reduced your prices before and you would get more income, maybe not the average of a german first div. team, but at the level of a german team who get relegated.

I am not fighting for my idea to be implemented, in fact I expect and hope that any idea I have, if used, is modified and combined with the ideas and minds of other individuals to have the best possible outcome.

so why is it bad, when i point it out where your idea lacks. And just saying that all reason for international competion, and ignoring the rest so that i try to repeat because i hoped i don't make my standpoint clear enough. And yes i get angfry when you just ignore all the facts i posted, and my tone get bit stressed.

From: CrazyEye

This Post:
167495.84 in reply to 167495.83
Date: 1/9/2011 5:38:00 AM
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I was not and am not intending to complain about my own ticket sales, I sold rather well, near sellout most of the season. What you need to realize is that I built thousands and thousands of seats this year;) When I came in I was selling out with max or near maxprice seats, SELLING OUT, but my arena was very small, because, like I said only my 3rd season in the game. LOL, you are so foolish sometimes. You look at my arena page and assume that hte number of seats I have now is what I had at the beginning of the season, and that to you I only sold half my seats

you say that your league already maxed out your ticket sales, and arguing with an average where many teams have 10k seats, or like you not the properiate ticket prices to get the possible div I income ;) While you had build them, when you don't think, that your current situation wasn't optional?
I stay with it when you want to argue that way, you should have those seats before and get the right prices because else it is no wonder that the average is lower ;)

Your suggestion to have/build more seats and sell for less is also irrelevant. I built fast dude, fast. My arena is about as big as it could possibly be after only 3 seasons.

good example that you don't earn money that fast like in germany :)

And further you imply that all JBBL guys don't know how to set their ticket prices, that is just insulting and stupid.

when you say there max out their visitor income, as u said this was right ;) When they didn't have it like u said now, it is wrong.
Sure you could joke on my, but i didn't analised nippon div one for three season ike you and kno w what everyone doing - but i know how the game works and arguing with the arguemtn you gave me.
