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BB Lietuva > Pokalbiai apie nieka 2

Pokalbiai apie nieka 2 (thread closed)

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From: Paulius V

This Post:
183345.743 in reply to 183345.742
Date: 2/15/2012 1:39:17 PM
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1 skype buzzeriui ir sexpazintims lt, kur visokie istvirkimai ir webcamai eina i trasa. o 2 oficialus jo darbinis. Gi darbe kai paklaus tavo skype neatsakysi : Karštoji_Liepsna

This Post:
183345.744 in reply to 183345.743
Date: 3/2/2012 4:58:34 AM
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Hi brothers from Lithuania....i want to ask you something...i want to find people for if you interrested,just contact me;)....i have a lot interviews with managers from all of the BB World,but i don't have nobody from Lithuania....You can see at this link how other interviews looks like....just like i said,send me BB-Mail if you want to say something about this game or about your BB-career so far,exclusivly for my site....

Sorry if i posts this in wrong thread;)...and Mr. GM,this is not a spam,I have a permission from other GM's;)

Best Regards,

This Post:
183345.745 in reply to 183345.744
Date: 3/2/2012 5:21:31 AM
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As interviu nedalinu. Kitas kas nors gali, pvz kazlekas ar mjo eit :)) vienas apie miska papasakotu arba vemiancius minedus, o kitas apie kaip kepti kugelius :))

This Post:
183345.746 in reply to 183345.745
Date: 3/2/2012 5:22:47 AM
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This Post:
183345.747 in reply to 183345.746
Date: 3/2/2012 6:11:09 AM
Bc Siauliai
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Second Team:
Bc Vilniaus Siauliai
He just said, that he doesn't give intreviews, but you can take interviews from well known BB Lithuanian's Kazlėkas or U-21 coach MJO. Kazlėkas could tell you a story about forests or vomiting trees. Mjo about how to cook kugels...

This Post:
183345.748 in reply to 183345.747
Date: 3/2/2012 6:18:42 AM
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Probably i will ask some of them for an interview:)

Did Mjo really knows how to cook kugels?;))))))

Thx for translation:)

From: Ernis

To: glop
This Post:
183345.749 in reply to 183345.747
Date: 3/2/2012 6:19:12 AM
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Nejuokaukim, geriau, kad tokie žmonės nereprezentuotu Lietuvos BB visuomenės, pagalvotų kiti, kad visi tokie pas mus... :) Geriau kas nors kitas pasisiūlykit :)

This Post:
183345.750 in reply to 183345.748
Date: 3/2/2012 6:20:40 AM
Bc Siauliai
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Second Team:
Bc Vilniaus Siauliai
He was just joking, cause those two guys are like clowns...

In one sentence - they are like Russia - if not drunk, you won't understand.

Last edited by glop at 3/2/2012 6:26:47 AM

This Post:
183345.751 in reply to 183345.750
Date: 3/2/2012 6:25:34 AM
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He was just joking, cause those two guys are like clowns...

In one sentence - they are like Russia - if not drunk, you won't understand.

Just like me...If I'm not drunk,you can't understand

This Post:
183345.752 in reply to 183345.751
Date: 3/2/2012 6:26:53 AM
Bc Siauliai
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Second Team:
Bc Vilniaus Siauliai
I would personally refer you a player called YoMaYo now playing in LBBL. He is well known BB Lithuania manager for a long time, once Lithuania's NT coach, good reputation etc. Write to him.

Last edited by glop at 3/2/2012 6:27:29 AM

From: Paulius V

This Post:
183345.753 in reply to 183345.749
Date: 3/2/2012 6:27:41 AM
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As siulyciau YoMaYo, Shawnas arba Saulas. Sitie seni mochikanai turetu ka papasakoti bosniui :) O as nusisnekeciau tik ir mano anglu kalba nera perfect, Nt reikalams uztenka, kai sakiniai nesudetingi, o sudetingiau nusirasyciau i pievas, tai labiau juoka sukelciau su netaisyklinga rasysena nei idomuma. Reikia siusti zmogu, kuris butu be priekaistu tie anglu kalboje, tiek pasiekes daug. Kad ir tas pats Vaidas galetu interviu duoti, sneketi jis megsta :)
