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Suggestions > Minor suggestion 2

Minor suggestion 2 (thread closed)

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202503.745 in reply to 202503.744
Date: 2/9/2014 8:06:37 AM
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If anything, "Jumpshot Range" would be accurate I guess. It would keep the "JR" name, keeping Dallas TV show fans happy.

If you remember me, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.
From: Fresh24
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202503.746 in reply to 202503.745
Date: 2/16/2014 10:37:23 AM
Syndicalists' BC
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In English (USA), there is a typo on the word 'acquirable' on every player page, eg. Highest salary aquirable is $ 3 738 317.
And while I'm here, I'd also suggest capping the highest salary acquirable to $500 000, or some round amount just slightly higher than the highest salary player in the game. Initially, it was a bit confusing what that number referred to, and in particular whether it had to do with the OET or was a hard cap on total salary; maybe it requires a change in wording instead.

From: solarity

This Post:
202503.749 in reply to 202503.82
Date: 3/6/2014 8:44:35 AM
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The page for the bids should be including all players on the transferlist of the own team, also with no bids on them. By adding a column with "starting bid", there could be an overview like on the league page (for all TL players of the league).

The players stats on the league page should be per minute. When we are trying to manage minutes and select a player as benchplayer, his values of points/rebounds/assists are much lower. So the result is an overview of starters, teams that do not play in the cup anymore and/or bots. Instead of 2/3 of the matches it could be 30-50% of season minutes.

Also the records make no sense. There were engine changes meanwhile and matches against bots adulterate the values.
They should be records of the season or limited (no matches against bots or better (because of inactive players/newbees): no matches with more than ~40pts difference should count for a record.

Additionally there can be small prizes for the best values/minute after a season or breaking a record. (just small prizes like 5000k or small images bottom left inside the player images.

This Post:
202503.750 in reply to 202503.749
Date: 3/6/2014 1:07:22 PM
BC Pirut
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I don`t know if these things are talked before me but yeah, I have few ideas.

1. Micro nations
Could you bring to the BB more worldwide leagues? I mean that they matter on financial, training minutes etc.
Same like we have in Europe --> Euroleague and other lower level leagues.
It could work like Champions league in football (soccer in US)--> Every nations has different number of spots depending on their nation teams ranking. Like Spain has four spots to champs (4th. placed still has to qualify) and two other spots to euroleague wich is lower level. Of course we have also same system in basketball in real life too
Micro nations has to qualify first(depending on raknigs) before they could end up to euroleague or even to top league, this way they should have more tougher/interesting games than playing against bots.
Of course this is good for evreyone in BB!

2. Reserve/D-league team
Could you guys bring to BB "farming" team?
This team could be use only for farming young players --> Should have age limit?
These teams could have their own league or meybe they could play in IV division, or lower. In this case they can´t be promoted to III division or something like that --> this could be usefull in micro nation problem too?
This farm team should be of course avaible for everyone, not only to supporters.
I swear this will get the BB to the whole new level!

3. Staff
More staff? --> Training staff
Yeah! I mean, you could bring to the BB more coaches--> Helping on training and maybe for "farm" team.
Their salary should be based on education (different levels in coaching), baskeball career (retired), achievements and playing skills (Retired poinguard should be beter on coaching pg skills).
This way we could use more specifed training for different number of players at same time and maybe train every player in first team/farm team, and of course we could train same time inside/outside players. ;)
I think staff salary is littlebit weird--> why their salary rises every week?
It should be same like players have...

I know these things sounds good but they are hard to bring here. I am supporter and I won`t stop playing this game ever so I can wait for feature. If you haven`t tought these things before then I hope that these bringed some new ideas to you

This Post:
202503.751 in reply to 202503.750
Date: 3/9/2014 12:31:24 PM
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I would like to hear your opinion about my
idea: Add opportunity to draw play - calls.
I think that can help a lot....

Last edited by Barak Manager at 3/9/2014 12:31:38 PM

This Post:
202503.752 in reply to 202503.751
Date: 3/14/2014 8:51:39 AM
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I thought u post was interesting, so ive started a new thread where people can discuss this, as opposed to being in the Minor suggestion thread.

see here (255744.1)

From: 2rap
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202503.753 in reply to 202503.752
Date: 3/15/2014 7:56:35 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
IMHO good suggestion from (39580) in russian forum (185833.854):

It would be usefull if there would be any kind of reminder like "that today is the last day to set new prices for the seats in your stadium". Cause most of us do forget about prices changing date. It can be like a bb-mail letter - like when you are invited to private league.

Last edited by 2rap at 3/15/2014 7:58:09 AM

( Проект 23. Перезагрузка
This Post:
202503.754 in reply to 202503.721
Date: 3/16/2014 11:31:56 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
good one. that would really help.

From: Kierpop
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202503.755 in reply to 202503.11
Date: 3/16/2014 11:35:44 AM
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A very minor suggestion here, but one that i think would kind of help managers evaluate their players performance that isn't measured in the box score. There could be end of the season awards. There already is MVP, but i was thinking awards more along the lines of Defensive player of the year etc. Perhaps this could help the managers evaluate how their player is defensively. i don't know how you would calculate it so that's were i looking for help with the idea.
