Lemme give a shoutout to my mans Vittorio Blotto
(35112688). He's that dude. He's the homie. He's my everything. I fell in love with him, then we had a harsh breakup, then I fell in love with him again, and now we've decided we're better as friends. That's real shit. How many BB players have gone through that kind of adversity? Not many, at most.
Alright so here's the plan. He's 22, about to turn 23. He's got a nice all around game. PF with 10 JS and 9 OD? 14 HD and 13 DR? Wtf? Okay sure he can't really rebound. But god damn, this dude's a walking mismatch. Ya'll some suckas if you don't want this dude. Like, you're really lame. For real. Shame on you.
He's up for the incredibly low price of 850k. In this market? Wtf? Are you serious mof? Hell yeah I am dude. I realize how broke all of you are. Now you got your chance at a future legend. Go at it. Go get him.