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From: FoD1

This Post:
6825.745 in reply to 6825.744
Date: 6/13/2010 9:39:50 AM
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yeah you both need now to be demoted from your league so LoD you have a job to do they have thrown games even against mee they did that :P

can you use your cheatbuttons to get them demoted :P

but overal I' ain't pleased on how my games did go but I'm pleased that I did and on the fitht spot :D

This Post:
6825.746 in reply to 6825.744
Date: 6/13/2010 2:59:15 PM
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kben blij dat ik de 6e plaats heb :D

eigenlijk is het schandelijk wat wij hebben gedaan he revo :(

bwah. die schande is toch ni zo groot in vgl met een andere ploeg in onze divisie die ons ervan weerhoudt te stijgen (en die telkens dezelfde fout maakt) dus zo schandalig is het nu ook weer niet...

maar kzal niet ontkennen dat Yolymapa en armstrongs normaal de Play downs hadden moeten spelen, en dat het duel ychoundou vs yolymapa wel in het voordeel had kunnen uitdraaien van ychoundou...

maar gedaan is gedaan, het is nu aan ons te bepalen wie dat er zakt. en om eerlijk te zijn, ik ga vollop voor een game 3 gaan. als ik dat ene team in de finales zie zonder HCA, dan is degraderen naar de III toch verdomd aantrekkelijk... want bijna eender welke andere divisie ( op uitzondering van II.4 great 8) in de II is beter dan waar we nu in zitten...

yeah you both need now to be demoted from your league so LoD you have a job to do they have thrown games even against mee they did that :P

can you use your cheatbuttons to get them demoted :P

but overal I' ain't pleased on how my games did go but I'm pleased that I did and on the fitht spot :D

what are you yapping about? you've got absolutely nothing to complain about, cause it's thanks to the fact that inheems threw a game against you that you got that 5th spot. you should be greatfull towards him for that. i sure know that inheems didn't mail you about throwing that game, so you got nothing to complain about. btw, your biggest league defeat was handed to you by me. so you're really one of the last guy's who can complain.

if ychoundou or Dwares would complain, that i'd understand, but you? common.


ps: i dought that Inheems would really have thrown a TV game like i did (i am likely gonna get punished for it by a serious drop on stadium income... nobody likes to see their teams slaughtersd by a 70 point difference on TV...

This Post:
6825.747 in reply to 6825.746
Date: 6/13/2010 4:00:18 PM
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I think FoD was kinda kidding :P

You're right about ventola but I really dont care wether ventola or popotams promotes so all my hope is on popotams to get the promotion. Otherwise Im really pissed and then I will be mad I didnt get the 8th spot... I could have lost against Thomas Cook if I wanted...

Im going to win the first game, Im quiet confident in that but I got to consider what your thinking aswell or I could try to get the 3th place next season but if mighty wizards promote Im really going to be very disappointed...

This Post:
6825.748 in reply to 6825.747
Date: 6/13/2010 5:16:00 PM
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if VT somehow makes the PO's, then it's simple:

i'll be going to III to get back up the season after that ( can't wait longer or Ottevaeres salary will be to high to go to III)

i don't mind VT, but no HCA, CT vs KV and CT vs Popo? and in case he won both those game, Wizzards has higher enthousiasm AND HCA? i don't see VT promoting in that scenario...

so if that would be the finals, then i won't be taking any risks and i'll let myself get relegated back to III, only to come back to the II the year after ( with a probable 3rd 22-0 season in my career if i drop back to III)


ps: i was thinking that FoD was joking about it ;). just wanted to bounce the ball right back to him :D i am eager to know his answer.

pps: i'll miss playing you twice a season if i go down to III

Last edited by AthrunZala at 6/13/2010 5:16:30 PM

This Post:
6825.749 in reply to 6825.744
Date: 6/14/2010 11:23:31 AM
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eigenlijk is het schandelijk wat wij hebben gedaan he revo
wat een verrassing.

Last edited by Lord of Doom at 6/14/2010 11:24:33 AM

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
6825.750 in reply to 6825.749
Date: 6/14/2010 3:01:49 PM
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eigenlijk is het schandelijk wat wij hebben gedaan he revo :(
wat een verrassing.

Ik weet niet waarom gij dit zegt. Kheb gezegd dat ik achteraf liever normal had gedaan veel meer dan mijn excuses kan ik niet aanbieden denk ik.

Verwerkt is het precies nog niet, of komt de reactie van ergens anders?

This Post:
6825.751 in reply to 6825.35
Date: 6/15/2010 10:02:44 AM
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het is gewoon een goed spel

This Post:
6825.752 in reply to 6825.750
Date: 6/15/2010 11:28:01 AM
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eigenlijk is het schandelijk wat wij hebben gedaan he revo
wat een verrassing.

Ik weet niet waarom gij dit zegt. Kheb gezegd dat ik achteraf liever normal had gedaan veel meer dan mijn excuses kan ik niet aanbieden denk ik.

Verwerkt is het precies nog niet, of komt de reactie van ergens anders?

omdat ik het niet kon laten.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
From: Laur3ns
This Post:
6825.753 in reply to 6825.752
Date: 6/15/2010 3:12:56 PM
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Crappy back up PF start...
Speelt 29 minute...
24 punte en 8 rebounds... :O

This Post:
6825.754 in reply to 6825.753
Date: 6/16/2010 5:01:34 AM
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Crappy back up PF start...
Speelt 29 minute...
24 punte en 8 rebounds... :O

lol. nice! mss moet ge vanaf nu hem niet meer Crappy noemen ;)

Bij mij was Ottevaere on fire :D 44 van de 82 punten staan op zijn naam... zegt genoeg zou ik zo denken :D

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