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France - VI.129 > Discusion entre complices ;D

Discusion entre complices ;D (thread closed)

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From: Marlur

This Post:
183715.746 in reply to 183715.745
Date: 7/25/2011 5:32:35 AM
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En tous cas j'espère vraiment que l'un de nous deux sera élu :) On pourra travailler ensemble ! Ce serait cool !
Maintenant faut que je traduise mon discours en Espagnol... Je travaille énormément en ce moment pour trouver des idées pour améliorer la République Dominicaine.

Et toi ? Quel est ton discours ?

From: manu5494

This Post:
183715.747 in reply to 183715.746
Date: 7/25/2011 5:46:03 AM
Valentins Team
Overall Posts Rated:
faut que je m'y mette , j'ai pas commencé !!

From: Marlur

This Post:
183715.748 in reply to 183715.747
Date: 7/25/2011 5:58:25 AM
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Je crois que ça commence ce soir les élections, bon avec le décalage horaire pour moi ce sera demain^^

From: manu5494

This Post:
183715.749 in reply to 183715.1
Date: 7/25/2011 9:09:47 AM
Valentins Team
Overall Posts Rated:
mon discours ....en english ^^

1. Introducing myself

I'm Manu5494, french manager of the Valentin's Team, playing in french third division.
I'm 39 years old
i've started BB in season 13 in division 5; Now I'm in division 3 in France, my team grew up 2 divisions in only 3 years
Yet never I've the better team for growing up but with good tactics et good stamina management I won these 2 titles.

2.AIm for maltese selection
Two objectives: to plan the training programs, to help managers, is the first one. The second one will be done because of the first one: be better. To have a better world ranking and not be the last of the group.
With good tactics everything is possible.

one of my goal is to collaborate with Maltese U21 NT Coach to improve our young players to be in U21 NT and by the way in the A NT.
So my goal is to contact every owner of good maltese players in the world and by the way improve themselves.
It's important to save players on sale too.
So I will work to save them and find to them new owner which wants to train them.

4. Staff
If I'm your new NT Coach, I will work with a good team with 2 friends who are on BB. They are very good players too and they'll help for detection of maltese players and also play with the good tactics against our opponents.

5 Communication
Regurlarly I'll publish NT report on our matches and to give you news about our players and their progress

bye bye
and see you soon


Last edited by manu5494 at 7/25/2011 9:11:01 AM

From: Marlur

This Post:
183715.750 in reply to 183715.749
Date: 7/25/2011 9:17:48 AM
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Super discours !!!! Tu vas tout pêter là !!!
C'est bon ! On va pouvoir poster ça rapidement car le processus d'inter saison est en cours ! Tu va savoir ta nouvelle ligue !

From: Marlur

This Post:
183715.751 in reply to 183715.750
Date: 7/25/2011 9:24:01 AM
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Je vais donc changer le nom de mon équipe ! Il me restera $ 400 000 en caisse !

From: manu5494

This Post:
183715.752 in reply to 183715.751
Date: 7/25/2011 9:27:09 AM
Valentins Team
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apparemment les candidatures pour les NT sont ouvertes a partir de mercredi matin
pas avant

From: Marlur

This Post:
183715.753 in reply to 183715.752
Date: 7/25/2011 9:28:24 AM
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Ah ? J'ai lu que c'était ouvert ce soir tard dans la soirée ! Je vais chercher !

From: manu5494

This Post:
183715.754 in reply to 183715.753
Date: 7/25/2011 9:32:13 AM
Valentins Team
Overall Posts Rated:
j'ai lu çà sur le form BB France

From: Marlur

This Post:
183715.755 in reply to 183715.753
Date: 7/25/2011 9:32:14 AM
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Je confirme !
25 Juillet (Lundi): Début des élections NT tard dans la soirée (EST). Veuillez-vous diriger vers la page « Equipe Nationale » pour plus d’informations sur les dates d’inscription et de vote.

From: Marlur

This Post:
183715.756 in reply to 183715.754
Date: 7/25/2011 9:33:03 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Moi j'ai lu ça sur le forum d'aide...
