Nah, checked out the III leagues, there is only one player bot who did not got demoted. So only one is going to get his position and its not me.
I lost the Semi-final by 12 though. I had pretty good rotation for a IV team, my team was generally stronger than the opponent. He was a III team that got demoted, it is always like this.
It was just my trainee that got demoted, my best player outthere with 15js, 15dr, 16od, 15handling, 104total and stats like this, he was not messing around.
Even without him, i had more rebounds, more steals, double off rebound than opponent, less turnovers, but somehow his SF which was guarded by my PG who had a 9 on od, managed to outscore me. He seemed to be the smaller threat of his offense, thats why i had my worst defender on him. This position would have gone to my 16od main PG and the game would be a won.
It is what it is i guess.. Planning the new season once again...
Last edited by paim at 2/15/2020 2:20:26 PM