You guys are talking all hypotheticals and theories, when you pull up the payers, the cost of your actual trainers, your record with such players, the player's skills and relative value, you will see time and time again that those trainees end up near worthless by age 25.
I mean, other than the examples you have already been shown, of course. And the guy that I bought at 55k with more skills than the guy who sold for 450k. Or my draft pick who has higher skills even than that. All of whom were regular players on my team pretty much from the day I acquired them, meaning I didn't have to spend money on a veteran of higher skilll levels and upgrade each promotion.
And as far as the cost of the trainer, until I upgraded to a level 5 trainer this season, the amount I brought in above the league average in merchandise pretty much covered the full cost of the trainer (except when I got lazy and kept one of the trainers a bit too long).
I don't care what you did - I am not presuming to tell you what you did when you toiled away in the low levels of Japan's II was wrong or worthless. But likewise, you should not presume that you are the owner of the true with regards to the USA's lower levels. Last thread on this, you pointed out that all the people discussing this were in IV and so their opinions were worthless -- so now I suppose guys being in III and safe from relegation in their fourth full season of the game have no bearing on how to succeed in V and IV either? Shall we wait until I promote to II at some point before I am judged worthy of having an opinion?
But you're right. My trainees are worthless. I mean, they're only the starting rotation for a team that is very likely to make the playoffs in III, and I'm only pulling in close to 150% the league average in merchandise. The worst of the four remaining star guys just sold for almost half a million, which is apparently not even worth wiping my nose with. But I forget -- that's all theory. I mean, what relevance does any of that have to a lower level manager in a big country, when you have all the experience of slumming it down in II to rely on?