I think i understood quite well, I play the game from season 11, with 2 breaks.
I was actually talking about the BEST 19yo 75 tsp (out of all the 19 yo draftees) which is the maximum a 19 can get, 19 yo 65-70 tsp right now are extremely rare drafts already, and TSP is nothing without the right potential
I get and respect all of your points especially the one about the value of training, very few managers and even less new managers understand exactly what training can do over short or long periods of time
I didnt see anyone asking for 90 TSP 19 yo drafts this is ridiculous and absurd if someone even asked about that. But a slight increase in total TSP of 19 yo is a good boost to the game, more training prospects, market prices will fall and people will start training more
Last edited by Cobra Kai at 7/16/2021 11:51:50 AM