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Suggestions > Minor suggestion 2

Minor suggestion 2 (thread closed)

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From: 2rap
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202503.753 in reply to 202503.752
Date: 3/15/2014 7:56:35 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
IMHO good suggestion from (39580) in russian forum (185833.854):

It would be usefull if there would be any kind of reminder like "that today is the last day to set new prices for the seats in your stadium". Cause most of us do forget about prices changing date. It can be like a bb-mail letter - like when you are invited to private league.

Last edited by 2rap at 3/15/2014 7:58:09 AM

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202503.754 in reply to 202503.721
Date: 3/16/2014 11:31:56 AM
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good one. that would really help.

From: Kierpop
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202503.755 in reply to 202503.11
Date: 3/16/2014 11:35:44 AM
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A very minor suggestion here, but one that i think would kind of help managers evaluate their players performance that isn't measured in the box score. There could be end of the season awards. There already is MVP, but i was thinking awards more along the lines of Defensive player of the year etc. Perhaps this could help the managers evaluate how their player is defensively. i don't know how you would calculate it so that's were i looking for help with the idea.

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202503.757 in reply to 202503.756
Date: 4/17/2014 5:01:11 PM
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hi there

small country needs more support from their users to improve their NT teams.I think this support will be happen if there be a link in corner of page ( like that we have for next game).

another thing that can help is let NT managers send something like news that sent by BBs but in other place of first the person who log in will see that.its so important I think.

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202503.759 in reply to 202503.757
Date: 4/19/2014 4:45:36 AM
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Dear BB's!

I have a good idea
On the schedule please to color exsample orange the Rivalry matches or make letter markings (RV)

Many thanks

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202503.760 in reply to 202503.759
Date: 4/19/2014 9:47:24 AM
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Hello BB's!

My suggestion is that we make a hometown discount. I think it's fairly realistic that if I'm willing to pay 100k for a player of my nationality, he would choose as opposed to someone who bids 110k from a guy in a different corner of the world. The price the current owner would be getting would be the normal one, just that if you want to buy a player of a different nationality you should pay additional 5-10%

Give it some thought, thanks!
