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Klausimai 6 (thread closed)

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From: Isrinktasis

To: MiG
This Post:
223816.754 in reply to 223816.753
Date: 12/28/2013 10:54:50 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Info finansu puslapy, ten, kur savaites pelnas surasytas :)

From: Pupuliukas

To: MiG
This Post:
223816.756 in reply to 223816.755
Date: 12/29/2013 6:03:47 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Total Revenue: $ 206 011
Total Expenses: $ -307 442
Training Exemption: $ 85 830
Overextension: $ -15 601
Overextension Tax Rate: 50%
Overextension Tax Total: $ -7 800
NOTE: The training exemption is the difference between the current overall salaries and the combined overall salaries of all players when they were acquired. Overextension Tax is not applied on the first week of every season for all teams and for the first 4 weeks for new teams.

Uz ka cia blin man dar 7.800 atskaicuoja

This Post:
223816.757 in reply to 223816.756
Date: 12/29/2013 6:30:51 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Tavo išlaidos viršija tavo pajamas $ 101 431. Bet tavo žaidėjų algos per treniruotes pakilo $85 830, todėl tavo OT yra -15 601, bet OT rate yra 50%, todėl tu per savaitę prarandi 50% savo OT, kas yra -7800. Trumpiau, tai yra 50% nuo pajamų ir išlaidų neigiamo skirtumo, neiskaičiuojant per treniruotes pakilusių algų, mokestis.

From: oooAFIooo

This Post:
223816.758 in reply to 223816.757
Date: 12/29/2013 7:50:59 AM
Overall Posts Rated:

O as tik formas trefkinau visa sezona :))

Training Exemption: $ 98 753

From: Marko

This Post:
223816.760 in reply to 223816.758
Date: 12/29/2013 7:58:26 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Gerai būtų, kad už formų treniravimą būtų galima gaut bonusą į algas, gautas už treniravimą:D Tu tikriausiai turi seniau tavęs ištreniruotų žaidėjų, kurie tau ir užkelią training exemption iki 100k:)

From: Marko

To: MiG
This Post:
223816.762 in reply to 223816.761
Date: 12/29/2013 9:04:27 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Kitokių bonusų gauni, kai tavo žaidėjai su patyrusiomis formomis laksto:D

From: minde

To: MiG
This Post:
223816.763 in reply to 223816.761
Date: 12/29/2013 10:57:02 AM
No Good News
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Backyard Brawlers
Mano Training Exemption: $ 227 069
Tai reiskia tiek esu pritrenines? Geras..
