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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Wrong formation/enthusiasm used

Wrong formation/enthusiasm used

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From: BB-Marin

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26712.758 in reply to 26712.757
Date: 4/17/2013 4:48:15 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Looks like your lineup looks pretty much the same as the 13.4. lineup, with one major difference: the Zapatero and Chauvin switch. on the PF starter position and the SF and PF backup position. There's also a minor change in SF and PF reserves. The 3-2 zone was set just like you said, which proves you made the changes. Also, you have used both versions of the lineups in the past, could it be you just loaded the wrong one when you were setting the one for yesterday?

From: Kukoc

This Post:
26712.759 in reply to 26712.758
Date: 4/17/2013 11:17:11 AM
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That's the interesting part, the lineup used would not show up in recent lineups, as it was used too long ago. I have never used a lineup from the "recent lineups" menu as I recall. I only check it in case of "funny" subs or training minutes.
Anyway this boggles my mind and there is nothing else to do than accept it:) I might of set this lineup on 26-th of march or something as an accident. I just can't believe I missed setting my starters and backups twise:(
Even if this was somekind of a bug, it's prolly impossible to track. There is no changing of the game minutes anyway :D Gotta just chulk it up...

This Post:
26712.760 in reply to 26712.758
Date: 5/27/2013 8:17:29 PM
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Last game my sub player started and played 39 minutes. I will copy now the lineups i entered from Load Former Match Tactics:

Pg: --- / --- / ---
Sg: --- / --- / ---
Sf:Michnowicz / Pastor / Pastor
PF: Lashutin / Bartoló / Bartoló
C: Petrasinovic / Bartoló / Bartoló

Let coach decide

(bosse, formoso, pacheco and ulgus were called but i chose not to put them in the charts)

In the end Bartoló started as PF and played 39 min (26 PF and 13 C), Petrasinovic played 28 min as C, Lashutin played 17 min as PF and Bosse played 7 min C and 1 PF). Which for mi is unprecedented, never with this kind of lineup had i experienced this problem.

Checked replay and fast forwarded to the end, there were no injured nor expelled players.

Minutes on PG, SG and SF were just as expected.

Thank you for your time.

This Post:
26712.761 in reply to 26712.760
Date: 5/28/2013 6:15:37 AM
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Second Team:
While you may have gotten expected minutes by using this kind of lineup before, it is no way guaranteed to continue while using Let Coach Decide. You should understand that by using this setting, you give absolutely all power to the coach and if he ignores your lineup completely, it's due to LCD. The only setting that can consistently give you expected minutes is "Strictly Follow Depth Chart".

This Post:
26712.763 in reply to 26712.762
Date: 5/28/2013 9:51:07 AM
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Thank you for your quick replies. I just want to make this noted in case it was not the intended behaviour.

From: Cydius

This Post:
26712.764 in reply to 26712.761
Date: 5/28/2013 1:49:37 PM
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My line up for my PO game has not been used and there is a forfeit. I did put a team and i don't understand why my line up has not been used.

Please tell me i am not out of the PO because of this.

From: BB-Marin

This Post:
26712.765 in reply to 26712.764
Date: 5/28/2013 2:01:42 PM
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Second Team:
We keep a log of every lineup set and there is no entry for this match made by you, I'm afraid. It's a pity you didn't have a meaningful default lineup set, maybe it would have been enough.

From: capali

This Post:
26712.766 in reply to 26712.756
Date: 6/9/2013 1:23:59 PM
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It's not a wrong information, but is this something wrong with this final series?

(59119763) The first match. Nothing anormal. But last 2 games, he played almost with the same roster, GS wasn't bad. But in match ratings, the defensive rat. was 3 in both. It's not normal. Maybe he did changed who defends who. (SG>C, C>PG etc.) But if not, then it's a game engine problem, and this is final series. Can you check out these games?


Last edited by capali at 6/9/2013 1:24:06 PM

From: BB-Marin

This Post:
26712.767 in reply to 26712.766
Date: 6/10/2013 6:22:07 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I'm not at liberty to say what his settings were but I can assure you it's not a bug.
