I just have a quick plea to the BB gods that I wanted to throw out there that is somewhat off topic - please, please don't make drastic changes to the BB game engine, economy or training speeds! That is exactly the reason I quit Hattrick (HT) after playing for over 3 years. It is unfathomably frustrating to be playing a game that requires long term planning only to have your planning thrown out the window by rule changes or drastic meddling with the economy.
I think you'll find that you wont have to worry about this.
Every contemplated changed is analyzed to within an inch (or, for the metric users, 2.54 centimeters) of it's life. Every possible outcome is considered, and that's why changes aren't made on a whim.
You're in good hands here in that regard.
NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live