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BB België > Vreugdemuur


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6825.761 in reply to 6825.759
Date: 6/28/2010 3:56:41 AM
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having U21 or NT players kinda 'forces' you to go all out. you must keep training them and that often results in a high salary.

so of them are less balanced too. and your team is a sort of 'SF squad' that ought to create some mismatches on some positions...

and the fact that you know how to play your tactics will help you aswell.


This Post:
6825.762 in reply to 6825.761
Date: 6/28/2010 10:27:17 AM
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yes, indeed. Maybe it's just 1 player in those teams then?

I'v always valued teamtraining and balance over 1 player-training.

Once I find a prospect to train I'll have to let go of my principals.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
6825.763 in reply to 6825.762
Date: 6/28/2010 11:25:17 AM
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yes, indeed. Maybe it's just 1 player in those teams then?

I'v always valued teamtraining and balance over 1 player-training.

Once I find a prospect to train I'll have to let go of my principals. :)

i disagree. i think you'd prolly be the best SF trainer in BB... i'm having a shot at training one now. doing rather well, if i may say so myself ( he's been the first real SF on the U21 team for quite a while :D kinda feel honored that my work was appreciated so much)

since you loved balanced players so much( and you've got way more experience than i do) i'd expect you to train some top notch fella's...


ps: just be sure that the best one is a belgian player ;)

This Post:
6825.764 in reply to 6825.763
Date: 6/29/2010 8:29:13 AM
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well, thinking about it.
Since I don't mind sacrificing everything for my 1 future star it indeed might be best to pick a SF for me, as I can easely let him play any position needed for optimal training... But I don't mind which position I get to train a player in, even a C will have to play PG once in a while to get some of his other skills ok too, same for a PG who'm I might play C for a few games to train his shot-blocking. (before Sum gets an attack, there MIGHT be 1 training I will never do, and that's blocking for guards, but it will be the only one indeed!! the guards will have to train inside defense, shot and rebounding for sure! )

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
6825.765 in reply to 6825.764
Date: 6/29/2010 9:52:31 AM
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well, thinking about it.
Since I don't mind sacrificing everything for my 1 future star it indeed might be best to pick a SF for me, as I can easely let him play any position needed for optimal training... But I don't mind which position I get to train a player in, even a C will have to play PG once in a while to get some of his other skills ok too, same for a PG who'm I might play C for a few games to train his shot-blocking. (before Sum gets an attack, there MIGHT be 1 training I will never do, and that's blocking for guards, but it will be the only one indeed!! the guards will have to train inside defense, shot and rebounding for sure! )

off topic: someone call an ambulance. Sum will get the (heart)attack before he gets to read that he should have one

on topic:
i'm kinda sceptical to having rebounding on a PG. on an SF, it's logical, on a SG.... wel ok, you could come up with arguments to have a rebounding on your SG ( tho he'll look more like an SF then if you give him rebounding) but rebounding on a PG?

don't get me wrong, i like good secundairies on players, but i'd just wonder if it's worth to train IS on a PG that is still young... if you intend on doing that, i'd think you'd be better of taking a C who's got good inside, but of which his gaurd skills aren't to bad, and thus train him as a PG. then he'll have nice secundarie's. sur, it will take a bitt longer but the reward should be greater (and i think it will be faster than if you take a small Pg and train to force some inside pops out of him)


This Post:
6825.766 in reply to 6825.765
Date: 7/1/2010 12:13:39 PM
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ofcourse, it's prefereable to find a player with opposite skills. a very small guy who already has respectable inside skills would be perfect to train as a guard.

but indeed, finding the trainer will be hardest.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
6825.767 in reply to 6825.766
Date: 7/1/2010 4:56:08 PM
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but indeed, finding the trainer will be hardest.

nah. their are a million trainers out thier. they ain't hard to find ;)

it's finding a good trainer, at a decent prize that takes patience :D and that isn't something you always have when you got a nice trainee ;)

This Post:
6825.768 in reply to 6825.767
Date: 7/2/2010 9:53:23 AM
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but I don't have a nice trainee yet either.

I saw a few that might be okay to train, even bid on 1 to make a C, but didn't have him.

Problem mostly is that I am offline at the end of the deadlines.

I saw 1 today I could make into a SF, but in the end decided not to bid yet.

Going to follow the market a few more days to see if there aren't better guys. Should I get a better trainer, I can bid quicker on prospects.

So far I only received 1 tip and it wasn't such a great guy to train. I've found better to start with on my own.

So maybe again a call towards Sum to let me know if prospects are TL-ed.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
6825.769 in reply to 6825.2
Date: 7/3/2010 3:49:03 AM
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let's all support Mod-Revo who currently is at the 3rd place in the World Cup Predictions. yeay!!!

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
6825.770 in reply to 6825.769
Date: 7/3/2010 8:35:31 AM
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make it 8th spot.

i had 2 - 1 to uruguay...

today, i'm expecting a high scoring game between Argentina and Germany :D

and the only reason i made that 3rd spot, is because i had 2 - 1 to the netherlands. madcap as i might be, i picked the netherlands as champs of this tourney. they got a team full of great players, tho some are dissapointing me (Van Persie, vdVaart, just to name a few)

so i'll be going with a netherland win in each of their games, regardless the opponent.

i must say, i felt sorry for Ghana yesterday...

i'll do my best and try and get the scores right for our tiny country ;)


This Post:
6825.771 in reply to 6825.770
Date: 7/3/2010 2:34:34 PM
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I gambled 1-1 for Netherlands, but I'd have said 5-4 after penalties
for the Netherlands

I also completely did wrong with my 3-1 for Argentina, indeed it was 4 goals, but just for the wrong team. ;)

but I know absolutely nothing from soccer, nor the teams or players participating, and still have 47 points, so it's quite ok

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.