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Draft List Questions~

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From: akuma
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146657.77 in reply to 146657.76
Date: 6/15/2010 12:32:23 AM
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Just because they don't charge you to play doesn't necessarily mean they aren't making money from you. Notice the ads in the top and side windows? They are making money off those. I would hazard a guess and say the bulk of their income is from advertising, not from supporter fees (I am saying this based on other free services that make a huge amount of money such as facebook). Supporter or not, the players of this game are helping generate income and are hence valid customers and have a right to complain or comment about things that are not to their satisfaction without having "this is a free game, deal with it or stfu" thrown in their face.

They did say that the draft would begin processing on monday. No promises on when it would be finished. Until then, back to refreshing my draft

From: chris902

This Post:
146657.78 in reply to 146657.76
Date: 6/15/2010 12:32:40 AM
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think u meant D not C.

other then that well said.

Yes.. thanks for catching that. (and in particular thanks for catching that before someone who disagrees with me caught it)

Anyway, I am done with this as it's become an argument that I never meant to start. I'm not going to respond to this thread anymore.

This Post:
146657.80 in reply to 146657.77
Date: 6/15/2010 2:02:05 AM
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off topic:
I don't think any one's saying 'this is a free game stfu.'
Well at least I'm not. :)

And agreed on comment about revenue to an extent. But I don't really wanna make assumptions.

Anyway, think some of us are just saying that there's a lot to be said about being patient, especially as you mentioned 'no promises' were being made. Rather than being sarcastic or demanding in an impolite way where the update was. Or insinuating that non-supporters are not getting as 'good' a deal as supporters.

just my 2 cents

on topic:

From: SplitJ
This Post:
146657.81 in reply to 146657.80
Date: 6/15/2010 2:31:53 AM
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wise choice or dumb choice?

spending 30k all season since I was 5th or 6th on the ladder and was focusing on training but then competitiveness came over me and took 3rd spot.. ;(

dumb dumb dumb choice....

anyways... WHERES THE DRAFT??????!!!!!

This Post:
146657.82 in reply to 146657.80
Date: 6/15/2010 2:33:54 AM
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yes agreed with the patience bit.

i myself have been extremely patient. i must have clicked refresh at least 200 times by now (throughout the day), if not more :D
i just hope i haven't set myself up for a let down when the draft comes out and they're all rejects :(

*fingers crossed*

cmooooonnnn baby!!!!

From: SplitJ

This Post:
146657.83 in reply to 146657.82
Date: 6/15/2010 2:35:38 AM
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LoL dw.
you are sure to get the very best players out of the draft since bots cant draft for shizzz

good luck!

3 great draftees and your set

This Post:
146657.84 in reply to 146657.82
Date: 6/15/2010 2:36:31 AM
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I woke up 5.50 a.m!!! on monday... thats like 35 hours ago =P

all anxious to see the draft pick and been spamming too!!!

I need sleep!!! *shifty eyes around office*

From: akuma

This Post:
146657.85 in reply to 146657.81
Date: 6/15/2010 2:44:45 AM
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wise choice I'd say

Think of it this way:
48 players in the draft, 2 scouts per player = 96 scouting trips required to completely know the entire draft class.

Scenario 1 (4 players / week):
4 * 22 = 88 scouts = 91.6% coverage

Scenario 2 (3 players / week):
3 * 22 = 66 scouts = 68.75% coverage

Scenario 3 ( 2 players / week):
2 * 22 = 44 scouts = 45.8% coverage

Scenario 4 (1 player / week):
1 * 22 = 22 scouts = 22.9% coverage

Not many people would fork out the 40k to scout 4 players a week so theres always a chance that a good player would go undiscovered by the serious scouters. And spending 20k a week for 22 weeks (440,000)? Well worth it I'd say - a good trainee on the TL is hella expensive these days >.<

This Post:
146657.86 in reply to 146657.84
Date: 6/15/2010 2:47:56 AM
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muahaha i'm doing it in the office too
i have a firefox window hidden in the corner of my screen, just keep going to it and refreshing every couple minutes

some IT dude is gonna look at the logs at some point and go...whooaa what is buzzerbeater and why are we getting so many hits to it today....

This Post:
146657.87 in reply to 146657.86
Date: 6/15/2010 2:59:55 AM
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ahha... ya...

as long as the IT dude isn't my boss okay ady!! *cross fingers*


still not up yet... Zzz...
