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BB België > Vreugdemuur


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6825.770 in reply to 6825.769
Date: 7/3/2010 8:35:31 AM
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make it 8th spot.

i had 2 - 1 to uruguay...

today, i'm expecting a high scoring game between Argentina and Germany :D

and the only reason i made that 3rd spot, is because i had 2 - 1 to the netherlands. madcap as i might be, i picked the netherlands as champs of this tourney. they got a team full of great players, tho some are dissapointing me (Van Persie, vdVaart, just to name a few)

so i'll be going with a netherland win in each of their games, regardless the opponent.

i must say, i felt sorry for Ghana yesterday...

i'll do my best and try and get the scores right for our tiny country ;)


This Post:
6825.771 in reply to 6825.770
Date: 7/3/2010 2:34:34 PM
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I gambled 1-1 for Netherlands, but I'd have said 5-4 after penalties
for the Netherlands

I also completely did wrong with my 3-1 for Argentina, indeed it was 4 goals, but just for the wrong team. ;)

but I know absolutely nothing from soccer, nor the teams or players participating, and still have 47 points, so it's quite ok

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
6825.772 in reply to 6825.771
Date: 7/8/2010 12:31:11 AM
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i'm gonna have to make a gamble for the final game, one that is very unlikely, to have a shot. i know what i'll be gambling anyhow.

but that's not why i am writting here.

how can ilife get any better

Mojito + Beach + good weather + diving + surfing = paradise :D

and i'm enjoying it :D

greetz from Mauritius foks :D time to hit the beach for a little hour before we get out in sea for some diving :D


This Post:
6825.773 in reply to 6825.772
Date: 7/8/2010 12:27:14 PM
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gamble? what is there to gamble?
The Netherlands will win for sure.

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.
This Post:
6825.774 in reply to 6825.773
Date: 7/8/2010 2:09:11 PM
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i bet you've seen Spain playing Germany.

i don't care how good a team is, nobody is gonna beat the spanish team if they play that kind of soccer...

you've seen how the powerfull Germany was shut down completely. they didn't even have a decent chance other than Kroos' volley.

And spain had several good chances. if you keep the ball, then the opponent can't be dangerous... i hope that the dutch team will have an answer for that.


From: FoD1
This Post:
6825.775 in reply to 6825.774
Date: 7/9/2010 7:30:21 AM
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my day is good my both trainees did pop and I've got the player bougth that I was looking for :D, HOPEFULLY he can help me win some games

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6825.776 in reply to 6825.7
Date: 7/10/2010 10:56:48 AM
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From: Laur3ns
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6825.777 in reply to 6825.776
Date: 7/15/2010 6:24:56 PM
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Eerste groote clash in de beker is er al! :D
Obira Dragons vs. Stonestars!
Beestige match! ^^

From: ppmmp

This Post:
6825.778 in reply to 6825.777
Date: 7/15/2010 6:55:50 PM
Obira Dragons
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Second Team:
Obira Dragons II
Dit komt veel te vroeg voor ons.
Vorig seizoen moesten we ook al te snel naar de suns voor de beker...
Die beker is ons zeker niet gegund. (Stonestars.... op verplaatsing...bijna onmogelijk !)
Dat wordt een zware week. (we moeten ook naar Doom)

Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff !

This Post:
6825.780 in reply to 6825.779
Date: 7/16/2010 6:27:00 AM
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As Obira said he has to play at my place the first game this week.

However, he doesn't seem te realise that it is a good thing for him, as my first game will always try to get Sammy 48 minutes, being my weakest player !!

I probably also play him out of position this week, to get him either 1 on 1 or pressure training. I need to have a look first, but I think it will be pressure, so he will play PG. Obira should have no problems winning the game against me, unless he plans on doing some strange things.

An other clash however is taht Bollekies has to come to my place for the cup this week too !!
His only luck is that with my trainingscedule, some of my best players aren't in the best shape... but other then that, I will do anything I can to win the cupgame.
I don't mind loosing it, but I have no future in the BBBL, so the cup is the only thing I can focus on...

Last edited by Lord of Doom at 7/16/2010 6:29:42 AM

They are not your friends; they dispise you. I am the only one you can count on. Trust me.