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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Wrong formation/enthusiasm used

Wrong formation/enthusiasm used

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26712.776 in reply to 26712.775
Date: 2/5/2015 6:05:13 AM
Essen Eagles
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Second Team:
Huttrop Hornets
Thanks a lot

This Post:
26712.777 in reply to 26712.776
Date: 2/5/2015 12:33:10 PM
BC LionSnake
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could you please investigate my last 2 scrimmage games, as 2nd week in row my sf and sg just switches places without any reason, and again my trainee loses training, that's not normal, never had this issue before this season, suddenly now there is problems

1st week i had let coach decide and he played 0 minutes in position, switch happened before game
2nd week i had strictly follow depth chart , and again got switched without reason

I`m the nicest person you will know:)
From: BB-Marin

To: reps
This Post:
26712.778 in reply to 26712.777
Date: 2/5/2015 6:00:54 PM
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Second Team:
First week you played a cup game, not a scrimmage. Second week you played a blank lineup with no starters set. Please point me in the exact minutes and events you think are buggy, but as I said, your lineup was wiped and replaced because of the blank lineup prevention code we implemented this season.

From: reps

This Post:
26712.779 in reply to 26712.778
Date: 2/6/2015 1:24:40 AM
BC LionSnake
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Then it means i cant remove my starters and let the reserves play, now i have to move them to starte position, my lineup wasnt empty it didnt have any starters but rrserves where there, and the question is why only sg and sf had to switch, the rest of reserves play in position where they where put, in my understanding blank lineup was when there is no starters and reservs. Live and learn, but still for me it doesnt make sense that both weeks only sg and sf switches places thats not normal, but i have accept what happwned and live on as it seems that reserves arents part of lineup anynore.

Last edited by reps at 2/6/2015 1:25:48 AM

I`m the nicest person you will know:)
This Post:
26712.780 in reply to 26712.778
Date: 4/15/2015 8:55:59 PM
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Hi Marin, GM-hrudey told me to report my problem on this thread (I actually sent you a PM when I saw the problem first and was desperate about it).

I had a completely blank lineup for my playoff game and lost 50-0. I've set my lineup on monday (probably before the standings recalculation). I have a good default lineup in case I ever forget to set my lineups. I asked GM-Hanks about my account access log and there were no strange logs, so this wasn't the case of somebody messing with my account. GM-hrudey said it maybe was a problem due the recalculations.

Any idea on what happened? Thanks in advance for your attention.

This Post:
26712.781 in reply to 26712.780
Date: 8/22/2016 6:20:54 AM
Danube Delta
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Second Team:
Danube Delta Intl.
On the user's <Bids> area there is a section named "Recently finished auctions with bids made by <Your Team Name Here> Player/Staff Member "

The strange thing is that this section is never populated with staff member's bids. Only players.
I'm really interested how the personnel was sell, when I couldn't be online. Could you solve this, please ?

From: BB-Marin

This Post:
26712.782 in reply to 26712.781
Date: 8/22/2016 7:08:49 AM
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Second Team:
It is a feature that is planned for the future but it is tied to another planned feature, so it will have to wait for that other one to be implemented first (auction history for staff). I'm aware of the potential usefulness of such a feature and will try to get it out ASAP.

This Post:
26712.783 in reply to 26712.782
Date: 8/22/2016 7:30:40 AM
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other one to be implemented first (auction history for staff)

Will we also have available the salary history of the staff members, so we can determine their salary during previous auctions?

This Post:
26712.784 in reply to 26712.783
Date: 8/23/2016 7:20:09 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
From: ZyFrag

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26712.785 in reply to 26712.33
Date: 8/23/2016 8:33:31 AM
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26712.786 in reply to 26712.785
Date: 3/9/2017 7:36:46 PM
First team all defense
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Hi. Can you guys take a look at my last 09/03/2017 Scrimmage game where i have suspicious thoughts that there were a mistage with linup where i've set 5 man strict lineup withe same backs and reserve players, but somehow player Hibneris ended up on PF position instead of PG and it ruined my training week, where i was aiming for jump shot training for guard position players. Is there any way to give him 48 PG/SG position training minutes?
