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Suggestions > Minor Suggestions

Minor Suggestions (thread closed)

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From: Mod-Diego

This Post:
3910.78 in reply to 3910.77
Date: 12/15/2007 1:57:22 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
List of countries in order by number of managers would be nice feature as well :D

From: mirino

This Post:
3910.79 in reply to 3910.65
Date: 12/17/2007 12:25:08 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
here's a minor suggestion:

In the box score page - add the score by quarter.

this way i can see if my team ran out of gas, or mounted a comeback in the 4th, or both !



IE: my player John Doe scores 28 points? I would like to read these stats

1Q: 7
2Q: 3
3Q: 11
4Q: 7

Like in the real basket :-P

This Post:
3910.80 in reply to 3910.79
Date: 12/22/2007 12:15:59 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
would be nice to have a secondary training. =)

as well as a more flexible training program. (10511.1)

Edited by shadower (12/22/2007 12:29:10 AM CET)

Last edited by shadower at 12/22/2007 12:29:10 AM

This Post:
3910.81 in reply to 3910.80
Date: 12/23/2007 1:21:58 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Players already receive a secondary training - you can get pops on skills other than what you are training.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
3910.82 in reply to 3910.81
Date: 12/23/2007 3:16:56 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
How do you know which secondary training they are getting? Or is it according to positions...

This Post:
3910.83 in reply to 3910.82
Date: 12/23/2007 4:39:36 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
The community has been studying this for better than a season. This is what we know so far : (381.1)

Keep your friend`s toast, and your enemy`s toaster.
From: jabar

This Post:
3910.85 in reply to 3910.1
Date: 12/24/2007 12:25:46 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I'm the winner of the turnament in Bosnia (the first in history). It's very disappointing to see that we played for nothing. Would it be possible to have some kind of indication (I understand trophies are only for supporters) on the team's page, which would indicate that it won some competitions in its history. At least a textual indication. Only awards would make people try to win them again.
I hope you can do something about it.

This Post:
3910.86 in reply to 3910.85
Date: 12/25/2007 1:39:08 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
You'll be able to see this on your Team History page at some point soon.

Edited by GM-JuicePats (12/25/2007 1:39:34 PM CET)

Last edited by Edju at 12/25/2007 1:39:34 PM

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
This Post:
3910.87 in reply to 3910.86
Date: 12/25/2007 2:50:05 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Nationality search to TL.


This Post:
3910.88 in reply to 3910.86
Date: 12/25/2007 7:18:22 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
dont know whether its been suggested.. but id like to see a comma to signify the thousands when bidding on the TL


100,000 not 100000

901000 or 901,000

I am sure there are some teams praying on peoples poor eyesight by placing an extra zero. At a glance it is difficult to read (after a few beers!!)
