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BB Global (English) > The usual OMG how did I lose that thread...3

The usual OMG how did I lose that thread...3 (thread closed)

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251520.79 in reply to 251520.75
Date: 4/16/2014 4:59:20 PM
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Patient in shooting everywhere for the best shot, the mis match on the floor... It tried in his game , we have go other reason why his player didn't perform. It hard to have team that can player every tactic.. You just cant slap on a tactic and say it should work because a player with 100 0d and 1000 jump shot and say a it's sure win, because this game has double teaming, it just false to say it a sure win, all tactics have a certain amount skill that make them effective in each player, one player can do it alone or make it work... So its more to it, than what anyone can explain.

How much hay do you require to build up your strawman army? I hope you get a good deal.

Nobody (least of all me) is saying I should have won. I've had played against the Riverdogs four times in roughly three months, and I'm very familiar with his roster (not to mention consider him a friend). He had a better team and that was in fact why I went with the strategy I went for - try to get mismatches like crazy on game one, hopefully steal a win, and then induce a 3-2 zone and play LI into that at home. In our four previous meetings with roughly the same roster, my big men had hit half of the contested jump shots over the defender in question in the four previous games, and 25% of their contested threes. It made sense to think that a real outside shooter would likely have a better day and that it would absolutely in terms of expected points be the best mismatch. And the PP100 bore that out - that was the best mismatch. In that scenario, I'd run the patient again in game 1 every single time, though I'd hide Schultz so he wouldn't think he should shoot so much as well.

The rest of us since had a very nice discussion including a perfectly logical rationale for the decision based on a formula discovered by someone who ran patient a lot more than you or I combined. I've also pointed to a game run just last night in the NBBA where a team won with a patient with guards at PF and C and defensive switches, as further evidence that, as I said, patient with outside shooters at the PF/C positions is quite common situationally.

If you'd like to discuss anything related to what people are actually saying or have anything constructive to add, I'll gladly await your response. As entertaining as it is watching you try to convince a bunch of scarecrows that something they never said is wrong, however, it's not productive in any way.

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251520.81 in reply to 251520.77
Date: 4/16/2014 10:17:03 PM
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thank you.

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251520.82 in reply to 251520.79
Date: 4/16/2014 10:32:15 PM
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Not to be rude that game is gone.. you played him before and won four times , but not the 5th. tough luck man. sorry to her that.

my last game was a thiller. I lost .. im not going degrade why I lost , we didn't score enough is why.. the game is gone. No point in gasping for a reason.

As far as all the insults in your post who cares,? The game has changed since that guy was here tactics tweeked. You followed his advice and lost with it? think bout that for minute., Now your blaming me for telling you different. LOL. why not go blame him ??, It would be the right thing to do.

You need a patient team to run patient correctly. Same as for needing a proper LI team to run LI correctly. every player need to have certain amount of skills. If you have a dynamic point guard that helps a lot in patient. You can win lot of game training young pg in patient. To me it really shows if your player is any good. Same for Li with big men.

No such thing as a sure win on BB.. no matter how good your team is

Last edited by Mr. Glass at 4/16/2014 10:46:04 PM

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251520.84 in reply to 251520.82
Date: 4/17/2014 4:17:26 AM
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my last game was a thiller. I lost .. im not going degrade why I lost , we didn't score enough is why.. the game is gone. No point in gasping for a reason.

I might have an idea for that. I know you are one of the few BB managers with a long term strategy of winning BBB in mind instead of all the others who just flip players for short term success. As such a true visionary, concentrating on the big picture, you might have missed a little detail that was introduced a while ago to make it harder for teams to concentrate on a single tactic like LI, the GDP feature. Here comes the news: It also works for other tactics than LI, so if you play an opponent that always uses, lets say standard offence, it is a good idea to set the GDP to "without focus and variable speed".
The best thing is: should you demote to V. league again, this also works great vs. bot teams :)

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251520.85 in reply to 251520.82
Date: 4/17/2014 8:50:49 AM
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Not to be rude that game is gone.. you played him before and won four times , but not the 5th. tough luck man. sorry to her that.

I didn't win the four games prior - I think I won two. I didn't say I deserved to win. I expected to lose. It was brought up to provide context on how the traditional thought of "best outside mismatch" on patient may not be accurate. And that prompted a user to give additional information that provided context, and prompted you to ... well, yeah. Nothing to be gained from continuing this any longer.

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251520.86 in reply to 251520.85
Date: 4/17/2014 11:02:02 AM
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outside mis match?.. where did you get this info that is misguided. Patient is not a outside tactic its a every where tactic, the best player with best chance to score, that does not mean the best player on your team. That does not mean the best 3pt shooter is going to get the ball the time.

You don't have the team to produce the correct result for patient, patient works with game shape and the ablity to create your own shot this very necessary . I doubt your Pf had that ability to create his own shot. you need good defense, you also need good ft. 5-10% of the points come from the ft line. which means you need driving , pf don't have a lot of driving but mines does and he has handling, he cav create his own shot.. you need a good pg as well.

That why you see me always buying a expensive pg. when I say mis match it nothing to do with player skill it has do with in the game. if the player can do more he will be more effect in patient. he can create his own shot which a huge mis match.

Last edited by Mr. Glass at 4/17/2014 11:07:56 AM

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251520.87 in reply to 251520.86
Date: 4/17/2014 11:12:33 AM
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You don't have the team to produce the correct result for patient, patient works with game shape and the ablity to create your own shot this very necessary . I doubt your Pf had that ability to create his own shot. you need good defense, you also need good ft. 5-10% of the points come from the ft line. which means you need driving , pf don't have a lot of driving but mines does and he has handling.. you need a good pg as well.

The players at PF and C that game had 14 and 14 driving (and 14 and 15 Handling). My three big men have 14, 11 and 11 driving (12, 11, 11 Handling).

I'm done with you on this topic in this thread. If you wish to discuss it further, please feel free to start a "Mr. Glass' guide to the Patient offense" in the Help forum. Otherwise, have a nice day.

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251520.88 in reply to 251520.87
Date: 4/17/2014 11:27:43 AM
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Look then other things play a factor then he got 20+ shots. you can figure out why he didn't score like manon said the od and double team was working. Just because that player had handling 15 with driving , dont mean he will be good in patient( meaning you didn't have the other components in patient to make it work).. My pf dont have handling 15 nor driving 15, but mines is looking better than yours in patient because I have team to make it work in his favor.

You can claim lack of comp. Look the other team that beat me center/pf were way better he still got a double double. So again you don't have the team to play it. What was ft shooting at?? he didn't get to the line. he didnt create any shot ,if he did the defense really made his day hell.

You cant mad at me because, Im tying to tell how its played. pf/centers don't shoot lot of 3ptrs again foolish on your behalf> you expected the center/pf to be raining and bombing 3's . comical at best, if its the best shot on the floor then he will take it, your didn't make them., he had skill for the mis-match. he got his chances, he just got shut down or had a bad night.. But Thank you for the laugh, its good with the coffee this morning.

Last edited by Mr. Glass at 4/17/2014 11:38:39 AM

This Post:
251520.89 in reply to 251520.88
Date: 4/17/2014 11:35:25 AM
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If you want to talk about this, take it to a new thread in the help forum (or to BB-Mail). I'm done with this here.
