it's not 0.09 it's 0.02 and it's marginal because you are assuming that you'd go from 0 assist rate to 100% which is, how should I put it, incorrect. I provided you with the information when I said 24% of 3s are assisted on average and about 47%-49% of other shots. So at a bare minimum, the benefit wouldn't impact more than 76% of the shots and that's assuming you go from 24% to 100%. If you take 88 3 pointers, 22 are already assisted on and 66 are not. If assist rate was to get 3s in line with other shots (effectively doubling the assist rate of a playoff B3 team, that is), then you'd have 22 extra 3 pointers assisted. 22*0.02=less than half a point. Even if you disregard FTs, 22*0.09 is less than 2 points.
That 3% difference is so low (and the result is similar for other shots once you factor in the FTs) that if I didn't think flow determines shot selection and shot allocation, but more importantly keeps turnovers down, I would have already tried to build a team with low passing (say around 7 throughout), to see what happens. At the very least it would cost much less.
Is there a category in between "wide open" and "tightly contested"?
For tighly contested I used the stats when the closest defender is 2-4 feet away from the shooter and for wide open I used 6+ feet. So yeah 4-6 is in between and those are considered open shots.
Last edited by Lemonshine at 6/13/2020 7:09:08 PM