I think the 5th place finishers should get a Tues scrimmage, with no gate receipts
First of all, I just finished in 5th. I am really happy to have survived the season, and that's thanks enough. But...
then along comes this really good idea and gets me thinking, ya' know, here's my team just sitting on their hands when they could be out scrimmaging and getting experience. Since they don't get a stamina-related boost for the extra rest, they may as well be playing. So I really totally like this idea of having that first Tuesday after the season dedicated for 5th place teams scrimmaging each other, with no gate receipt bonus, but training time. After the first week it can be business as usual. We all need to train free throws, sometime, eh?
Don't ask what sort of Chunks they are, you probably don't want to know. Blowing Chunks since Season 4!