You just described the profile of any player that wants to play a manager style game. If the newbie starts BB and thinks it's too hard because it takes too much time to build a strong team he will feel the same with all manager games. If they want something quick and that doesn't take much time just play the regular "you control the players and edit their abilities as you wish" games.
The only problem for newbies, and I can say that because I am one, is that the only way for a newcomer to get profit is to sell good players, and with the inflation, due to the game being new and all, it's hard to buy good trainees...
I started in the middle of last season, my team was really old in average. Only in the start of this season I got to buy some trainees and not good ones, just average. And that because I sold my best old players from the last season.
Last edited by LA-Nandoss at 3/1/2008 3:58:23 PM
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