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How important is JR in a power forward?

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183591.8 in reply to 183591.7
Date: 4/30/2011 6:09:54 PM
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Thanks for your advice fella`s.

I need to think this one through. He is getting jump shot training this week for the second week so I don`t need to decide what to do until next Saturday.

I am leaning toward some jump range training, maybe a couple of pops. Then concentrate on jump shot, driving and rebounding. Or maybe no rebounding at all this season and just concentrate on the three scoring skills. Passing is okay. He only averages 1.0 turnovers for his career so I can live with that.

Despite everyone`s great advice I`m actually more confused as to what to do. lol. It needs more thought. I like my team but it lacks the big scorer. Hopefully this player will become my marquee scorer.

From: Scipio

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183591.10 in reply to 183591.9
Date: 5/1/2011 6:32:35 AM
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Thanks Manon. Good points.

I was hoping that he might make the U-21s but for some reason the U-21 manager has picked power forwards who have low salaries of about 7K rather than Hennessey. I have been developing him for my team though and not the U-21s.

Many thanks


From: SelBasin

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183591.11 in reply to 183591.8
Date: 5/1/2011 12:49:46 PM
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If you improve his rebounding he we get 2nd chance points so it could indirectly raise his scoring.

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183591.12 in reply to 183591.1
Date: 5/1/2011 1:26:27 PM
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Lmao, you want to create Andrea Bargnani. See how many games you'll win. (hint: not many).
It is much easier for defence if the opponent relies on a single scorer.

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183591.13 in reply to 183591.12
Date: 5/1/2011 2:51:32 PM
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My opponents have big problmes defending my team because I have very balanced scoring. In my game on Saturday evening four of my five starters scored twenty points or more. Hennessey got 28. This tends to happen every game. Very balanced scoring.

From: iwen

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183591.14 in reply to 183591.13
Date: 5/1/2011 5:31:40 PM
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There isn't much competition in your league, not many players who can cause your PF problems.

You may be in for a rude shock once you promote.

From: Zolinho

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183591.15 in reply to 183591.13
Date: 5/1/2011 6:43:38 PM
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Defense >= Offense imo

From: zyler

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183591.16 in reply to 183591.15
Date: 5/1/2011 11:48:18 PM
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why has no one including your under 21 coach told you that your player isnt a pf

his clearly a center.

lv 1 od on a pf is game over.

trying to his jumpers at a good rate with lv 3 jump range is game over.

the guys a center , pump his is , rbd , js and drv if you want a pure scorer

then play him in center pos

might want to inform ur under 21 coach that you have a center not a pf aswell
