1) Why?2) What are you talking about anyways?What do you mean by "Inquiring"? There´s no such thing as an "Inquiry" button you can push. Either you call him up, or you don´t. Either you sack him, or you don´t. Where is your two different actions?It´s like passing through a door. If you go through a door, the pure information "passing the door" is triggered, no matter if you´re going to the grocery, if you´re up for a date or if you simply forgot your keys and you´re about to pass the door again soon in the other direction (in case you realize before shutting it, if you don´t, then again you might not pass it anytime soon).
Adding the message get kicked out of the team, would make it in my eyes worse.
That makes it even worse. You get roughly two times the (pointless) messages necessary. Great improvement.How about instead giving out messages once a player actually PLAYS in the NT?
1) No you don´t. You get ONE if your players is appointed. At least during the season.Key problem is, that during the first weeks of a season, players are not kept in the NT, but "scouted" by appointing them, then firing. So you might get called up numerous times until you finally "stay".
1) Currently when a player is actually added to a NT you get two messages.